|Chapter 13| A Partner For Life?

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Hey guys, I know I'm super duper late for the update. I was really sick past days infact I'm still under the weather now. But since I have promised to update so here's the next update. This chapter will be interesting because your someone is maybe getting married soon!!
Mirha (Edited)
I was in my room. I was currently marking the points of the exams. The past two months have been nothing but busy and hectic for me. With the annual examination, I got very little time for myself. Being a class teacher,I had double responsibilities and it got so tough to keep everything in balance. But thanks to Allah that it all went smoothly and at the end of the day, I made it. Alot happened in these past two months. Saman appi and Ali Bhai had taken a bigger house than before and had shifted into it. Maha had close to her graduation now. She has decided to apply for a job now as her studies are almost complete. Mama was helping out appi in her shifting. Well, I was also a helping hand but since I have alot in my plate so appi asked me not to help her. She was considerate enough of everyone. We didn't hear from baba since that night. Well, what can we expect? He usually did that. He didn't bother ask our well being. It's like he doesn't even care for us. All I know that Alina aunty and Baba had been visiting Abdullah uncle very frequently. I am well aware that they are best friends since childhood but their frequent meetings is a clear indication that he is up to something. I know my father very well. He will never visit someone as quickly if he doesn't have want any favour from them. I really hope he didn't complicate things for himself. I was still in my thoughts when Maha barged inside my room. Her right hand supported a big packets of crisps. She plopped on my bed whilst still munching on the crisps. She looked at the wall clock hung in my room and asked me
"Aren't you going for your school?"
My eyes widened when I noticed I am almost late. Today, was the result day in my school and I have to leave at 8 but it's already 7:30 now. Ahh!! I don't want to get late. I quickly rushed to the bathroom and took a very quick shower of my life. I changed into a black colored kurti with black colored pants. I did minimum makeup because firstly I am not fond of makeup and secondly I am freaking getting late. I brushed my hairs and pinned them back so that they won't irritate me. I wore my sandals and grabbed my bag. I turned to Maha and asked me doubtfully
"Hey, am I looking good?"
She looked at me from head to toe. I was chewing my insides. For all of your information, I am insecure. I tend to get insecure on small things. I am not as fashionable as Maha but I have tried my best. Maha dropped her thoughtful face and a smile broke onto her lips. She walked towards me and held my shoulders. I looked at her confusingly and she assured me
"Appi, don't be so insecure. You are an angel. You look fabulous."
I breathed a sigh of relief. Maha pinched my cheeks causing me to groan under my breath. I playfully glared at her but she just laughed if off. Maha then exited my room not before shouting from the stairs
"Don't forget you are getting late."
I hurriedly check myself one last time in the mirror before leaving down.

The outfit Mirha is wearing****I reached to the dining area to find Maha stuffing her mouth with the pancakes

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The outfit Mirha is wearing
I reached to the dining area to find Maha stuffing her mouth with the pancakes. She gave me a cheeky smile before continuing. Mama came from the kitchen and blew Quranic verses on me. She patted my head and prayed
"May Allah keep you safe from the evil eye. Mashallah, boht pyari lag rhi hu."
Translation ( you are looking really beautiful)
I blushed slightly causing Mama to laugh a little. I hugged her and asked her
"Wish me luck, mama. I'm already late."
She patted my back and assured me
"Don't worry. Everything will be alright."
I pulled away and was about to leave when I saw Saman appi entering inside. Izhan was walking along with her holding her finger in his tiny fists. I rushed to him and embraced him in a hug. He kissed my cheek melting me into a puddle. He's too cute. Appi side hugged me and wished me luck. Mama turned to appi and asked her
"Saman, you came unexpected. Is something the matter?"
Saman appi become serious and nodded her head. Mama put away her cup of tea and made her sit down. I was also worried now. I hope everything is ok. She looked at me briefly before turning back to mama. She told her
"Mama, today morning I got a call from baba. He said he'll come to visit you today. He had something important to talk about."
Mama nodded her head. Thank God, it's not something serious. I was about to leave when appi stopped me and briskly told me
"Mirha, pleas try to come home early. He wanted you to be present."
Now, that is something suspicious. Why would he want my presence. I am confused but decided to see it myself. Right now, I am late. I handed Izhan to Maha and left the place. But appi's words were still ringing in my head. What important thing baba has to talk about? I wish it won't be anything like before. As I arrived at the school, Neha received me. She was wearing a pista colored salwar kameez with a sky blue dupatta. Her hairs were tied in half while few strands were falling onto her face. She looked ethereal. Neha then complimented me
"Woah! Someone will be the death of many boys. You are looking so pretty."
I slapped her arm and asked her to lower down her volume. She didn't leave a chance to embarrass me. Neha giggled and we both walked to the office. I sat down and soon got busied in the day. I wasn't as late as I had expected. Everything went well and I am really thankful for that. But all this time, I was wondering about baba. Did he arrive? Did they start the conversation? All these thoughts clouded my mind and a sudden nudge on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts. Neha was looking at me curiously and interrogated me
"Where are you lost? I've seen you zoning out a couple of times."
I sighed. I can't hide it from her. I faced her and told about my inner turmoil. Neha looked deep in thought and then she assured me
"Hey, relax. Don't stress yourself out."
I nodded my head but my mind is still not at ease. I guess it will only ease up when I go home. I then bade farewell to Neha and took a cab to my home. I was constantly squeezing my fingers. I was close to get an anxiety attack. What is wrong with me? I am having a feeling that it's not something casual. I reached home and found baba's car in the parking. I took a deep breath and then walked to my gate. I juggled the keys inside and the door opened with a squeak. I walked a little inside and saw my family gathered in the lounge. By the look on their faces, I am sure that they are discussing something serious. Mama looked at me and said
"It's good you came back. Come here."
I first greeted baba and then took a seat. Saman appi and Maha lightly smiled at me. Baba face Mama and then spoke up
"Since, Mirha is also here now we should discuss about the matter."
Mama nodded. I looked at Saman appi confusingly but she just gave me an assuring nod. Baba continued
"I have discussed it earlier that it's high time for Mirha to get married. She is young and ready for a marriage."
My head whipped in baba's direction. Why did he saying this? Didn't I make myself clear before? Mama nodded her head and clarified
"But I told you that Mirha is not ready yet. You should respect her decision.",
Baba scoffed and argued
"She will never be ready. One day she has to get married."
This time I spoke up
"But baba I am not ready for a big step like marriage. I need sometime to think on that."
Baba rolled his eyes and tried to explain me
"No beta, you are not understanding. We are getting aged. I want to see my daughters happy in their life before my death."
I became quiet. Sure baba divorced mama but he still love us as before. He will never wants bad for us. I had seen him how happy he was when Saman appi got married. Mama was also silent on his comment. Mama then asked him
"You are here again to discuss her marriage that means you have someone in mind, right?"
On this question, baba smiled genuinely. He looked at me before facing mama back. He sighed and then spoke up
"When you told me that she is not ready so I became quiet. I also respect her decision. But when I met Abdullah my thoughts changed. His elder son Azaan looks like a fine boy to me. He is talented, well settled and a respectable person. When I first saw him, I instantly thought of him as my daughter's husband."
Mama looked deep in thought. I was shocked to beyond. I didn't expect that from baba. I never thought he would think HIM as my husband. I shook my head at mama but she turned to Baba and told him
"Did they show any interest in something like that?"
Baba nodded his head and replied
"Yes. Few days back, abdullah called me to discuss about the marriage. His son also showed interest in Mirha and they wanted to meet you in person for further things."
My eyes are wide as saucers. Mr. Qureshi like me. But when? I never feel it. Is he secretly admiring me? Maha smiled teasingly at me and I glared at her. I stood up from my place and announced my decision
"No baba. I don't want to get married right now, please. You can give your answer to him."
I left to my room. I can't able to digest it. Mr. Qureshi like me. What did he even see in me? I am not sure if he really like me or is that some other plan of baba to marry me off. I was still in my thoughts when my door knocked. I opened the door and found Mama. She entered inside and sat down on the bed. I know why she is here. I again told her
"No, mama please I can't marry now."
Mama smiled and motioned me to sit beside her. I sat down beside her and she held my hand. She caressed my hands and said
"Can I ask you a question?"
I hummed in my response. Mama sighed and asked me
"Beta, why are you so keen on not getting married?"
On this question, I became quiet. I don't know why I am declining. Maybe I am ready but I don't want to face the same situation mama had faced. I can't imagine having a divorce. I can't be able to bear it. Mama noticed my jumbled face and replied to her own question
"I know you are scared. I know you are doubtful because of how my marriage turned out. Marriage is a very big step in one's life. It's completes half of our Deen. I know my child that my marriage is not something you should take inspiration from. But don't forget that not every marriage is the same. Not every marriage will be broken like mine."
I was silently listening to her. She kissed my hands and said
"I know Azaan personally beta. He is such a great person. He respect his parents and he is even talented. I didn't find anything bad in him."
I again nodded. Mama is right. There is nothing wrong in him. He is perfect in his own ways. But what if my marriage ends same like mama? Mama sighed and caressed my hairs. She tried to explain me
"My child, I also want to see you getting married before death. I don't know how much time is left. But I just want to make sure that my daughters are fine and happy in their lives. Look how happy and content Saman is in her life. You are not a burden my child but I want to see you in a red bridal lehenga before I close my eyes forever."
I had tears in my eyes right now. Parents always wanted the best for their children. They will never cause me harm. Mama tried one last time to assure me
"Beta, I am certain that he will keep you happy. It's depends on you now."
I was quiet for a while. What if it's all best for me? Indeed Allah is the best planner. What if he had planned something so great for me by this marriage? If my parents are happy about it than who am I to disagree? With the last ounce of doubt cleared,I spoke up confidently announcing my decision
"Mama, I am ready for marriage."
That's it guys. Do give me your feedback. Is the story interesting? Please vote share and comment.
Till then loads of love
Allah Hafiz

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