This is not like the movies

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I feel the chair beneath my legs before I open my eyes.

I feel the tape around my arms and legs before I open my eyes.

I blink quickly adjusting eyes to the poor lit room.

I'm in a prison cell.

I can see the door is stone and Moldy with small bars in front of a tiny window.

I glance around.

The whole room is grey and stone.

There's a mattress in the corner, nothing else.

And a toilet in the other corner.

I sigh.

For one second I'm annoyed.

It quickly turns into fear.

I've been kidnapped.

A thousand ideas rush through my head.

What are they going to do with me.

Kill me.

Torture me.

Rape me.

I breathe quickly panicking.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

It's fine.

Ivan knows I'm missing he's probably looking for me.

What if he's not?

I wish I was nicer to him.

What if he's dead.

Tears prick my eyes.

Stop it Elle.

Calm down.

Your going to get through this.

Put your walls up.

You need to put some armour around your mind so you can endure this.

I can endure it.

They will not break me.

The dot unlocks and then opens.

Ava is standing in front of me.

"how is it that you manage to look so beautiful even in the worst conditions?" She asks me.

I want to rip her throat out.

But it'll get me shot.

So I stay quiet.

"I really did like you at the dinner it's nothing personal honestly it isn't your just collateral damage.  We just mainly wanted Ivan but then you figured it out I could tell that you noticed my slip up at dinner I had to inform Adam it's a whole thing we couldn't let you go and now you're here." She says.

Almost like she actually feels bad for me.

"Is Ivan alive?" I ask her.

She looks annoyed for a second and I regret asking.

"Yes obviously. I told Adam we were not just going to be able to kill him like that but he didn't believe me" she adds bitterly.

"i'm sure he won't underestimate you again" I say smoothly.

"Of course he will he always has I think when he looks at me he still seems that stupid girl he took but that was 10 years ago I've changed" she says.

I don't care.

"I bet you've helped him a lot over the years made decisions for him it's a shame that he doesn't appreciate it"

She nods sighing.

"well of course you get it you're like me, well not yet how long is it since you married Ivan?"

"6 weeks" I reply calmly.

"Mm your still in the honeymoon phase just wait...or I guess you won't have to see what it's like will you?"

My throat closes up.

"What is the plan..for me?" I ask her.

I act like I don't care.

But I do.

Obviously I do.

It's my life.

"I don't really know I think the plan was to just kill you but some people think you can be used as leverage over Ivan so I don't know" she says shrugging.

As If Ivan cares about me.

"Well...let me know if anything changes" I add humour in my voice.

I think it's hysteria actually.

"Ahah I will" she says closing the door.

I don't have much of a plan but one thing I do know is that Ava is a lot smarter than I think and her husband is a lot dumber.

But she's not happy no she's furious.

I can exploit that.

And I will.

It's time for me to step up.

I can't rely on Ivan to save me or get me out of this I have to save myself.

Blinded by hate Where stories live. Discover now