My favourite flowers are tulips

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I step outside my...home with two leads on Craig and Greg.

I gasp softly as I see snow all over the park all over the street.

Fluffy white beautiful snow.

I squeal a little as I close the door and begin to walk.

I feel like a puff ball.

"CMON GUYS" I say laughing as I walk forwards, the two puppies jump after me licking the snow

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"CMON GUYS" I say laughing as I walk forwards, the two puppies jump after me licking the snow.

I walk down the street and see it almost empty.

I smile cheerfully as I make pretty shapes in the snow and run across frozen puddles.

I fall twice.

So there's that.

Someone taps my shoulder.

"What's up?" I say cheerfully.

They blink at me.

"English?" I ask nicely.

"Oh um yeah I do" the boy says smiling a little nervously at me.

He's probably my age, kinda cute.

"Cool! Do you need anything?" I ask him happily.

"I just wanted to ask if you were okay?" He says looking around.

"Uh yeah why wouldn't I be?"

He stares at me like I said something insane.

I look around like I've missed something, Craig just peed in the snow but it's normal..surely.

"Do you know what neighbourhood your in?" He ask me again walking closer.

"I think so" I say looking around for the millionth time.

"You know Mr Russo lives the next street down"

"I'm sorry why is that an issue he's not gonna shoot me for like..walking in the snow" I say annoyed.

The boy looks at me mesmerised.

"You have to be Elle"

I stare at him. He knows me? Who is this guy?

"Your seriously freaking me out!"

"Sorry I'm Dylan I work at the florist over there uh it's just this neighbour hood is always empty like no one walks here...because it's dangerous"

"Dangerous how?" I push.

"Mr Russo...uh Ivan cleared out this whole street about a month ago, he likes to go for walks around here...alone so no one gets to really walk around here."

What a fucking loser.

"How come you work in that store then?"

"Mr Russo said I could...I don't know, as long as I sell the same fucking flowers"

"And what would those be?"

"White, purple and blue tulips"

I almost fall over.

My favourite flowers.

MY favourite flowers.

"Does Ivan buy them often?"

"Twice a week, he pays me way too much but oh well. And..I once asked why just these flowers. He told me they were Elle's favourites"

I feel something horrible stab into my heart, and twist and pull and dig around.

"What else did he say about me?" I say quietly.

"He told me these are her favourite flowers but he never bought them for her, he told me he misses the luxury of looking into her beautiful grey eyes. He wishes he had more time to figure out if they were blue or grey. He says he wished he asked her where that scar on her cheek came from, and he says he wishes he had bought her another ring and given her the wedding she deserved to have."

I stand there shocked to my core. Silenced for maybe all of eternity.


"Yes Elle it is"

I look around at this empty street he needed so he could go on a stupid walk.

I look at the flower shop windows filled with my favourite fucking flowers.

I spin around and look at the snow falling beautifully.

I look at his house which I can see clearly.

I look at all the lights over the hills.

And I do the most pathetic thing I could do.

I sink to my knees and let out a gut wrenching scream.

And then I break into sobs.

Barely sobs, I'm wailing, screaming.

This poor boy is probably wishing he stayed in his shop.

I wish he did.

"HE RUINED MY LIFE" I screech into my hands sobbing my eyes out as the boy, whose name I don't even know pats my back.

"And I still love him, he has..I don't even know I love him. I miss him. I can't do this anymore. I want to die. He's such an ass. He doesn't get to do this to me. HE DOESNT GET TO TALK ABOUT ME AND WISH- and wish..." I choke out my words.

I cant finish the last one.

"Your gonna be okay, Elle"  he says.

I look up at him through wet tears and blurry eyes.

He's smiling at me, kinda scared.

He has pretty blonde hair and brown, warm eyes.

"You sound incredible from what I know." He adds tucking some hair behind my ears.

I blink as more tears drop down my cheeks and sniff.

"How come two people who love each other so much don't make it work?"

"Life isn't a fairytale" he says brushing my tears away and pulling me up.

"Come I'll get you a bouquet of flowers" he says pulling me away.

The puppies follow.

"What was your name?"

"Dylan, I told you"

"I'm really forgetful"

"I know"


So guys comment here...should she end up with Dylan or Ivan?? 🤭🤭🧍🏻‍♀️😏

I have no direction for this story so let me know !!!

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