Master manipulator

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Someone came in to take the tape off I let them go freely.

I need everyone in here to think I've given up, to think I'm nothing.

I sleep. I eat whatever gross food they give me.

And I wait.

And wait.

I'm not sure how accurate my time telling is but I think I've been here three days. I know I need to shower.

Adam walks in.

"Oh Elle you are a difficult problem" he says sighing.

I stay quiet.

"i'm not sure what to do with you so many people want to kill you I think you can be used against Ivan I mean he married you after all. He won't care about us or me or anything if we just kill you"

"but he knows you have me?"


"then he's probably already losing his mind all you need to do really is wait I mean what are you trying to negotiate?"

"I want him to give up his rights to the mafia in exchange for you"


I'll be dead soon.

"Would you do it for Ava? Because if not, why would he do it for me?"

This causes Adam to think.

My god he's stupid.

"You might as well kill me" I say softly.

I need him to be calm.

He walks forward and pulls out a gun.

And points it right at me.

I hold my breath.

Okay. This is it.

I had a good run.

I hope Ivan grieves me.

"What should I do?" He asks me waving his gun around.

"Sorry?" I repeat.

"Hmmm? I need him to sign over his authority!"

What am I a therapist?

"I don't think that's possible, killing me is just going to make him angrier. Even if you do awful things to me he won't give up his role. You have to ask for something else..something good but rational" I offer helplessly.

"AND WHAT IS THAT?" He screams.

I flinch.

"This was all my stupid wife's idea she wanted me to try and climb through the ranks. I thought I could do this instead I am completely fucked Ivan knows I am an enemy I did not have nearly as many loyal people as I thought. I have nothing I was his right-hand man I  basically co-owned this shit. And now? I have nothing."

Did he expect me to feel bad for him?

Good I hope this brain dead moron loses everything.

I'm sitting on the floor of a cell I've been locked in for 3 days I don't have any sympathy for him.

"I have ideas, on what you could ask for...but I want a shower first" I say.

He clicks the trigger into place.

"I will shoot you"

"Go ahead. You'll be back to square one except this time you will have nothing that Ivan wants, the only reason that this entire building hasn't been blown up it's because I'm in it" I say calmly.

I have no idea if this is true.

I actually have no idea what Ivan is doing if he's even making an attempt to come rescue me.

Even if he was it doesn't matter I'm getting myself out of this mess.

"I see why he likes you, likes a challenge"

Eat shit.

"Why are you so quiet?"

"I'm not in the shower"

He sighs and then opens the door.

I step in front and he points his gun at me.

"Safety precaution"

I roll my eyes but memorise every move.

Until we're suddenly out of the dark hallway and in a hold and white hallway instead.

He opens a white door and I walk into a huge bathroom.

"I'll bring up some clothes. And then you will co-operate okay?" He says.

I nod and he closes the door.

I step into the shower and peel my clothes off.

It's only here while hot water pours over me I allow myself to cry.

For a minute.

I miss my family.

I miss my husband.

I hate him so much.

But I miss Ivan more than I can bear.

I'm so scared.

I have no idea what they're going to do to me down here.

I'm just waiting for a man to walk in and...hurt me.

In more ways than one.

I wipe my tears and step out the shower after thoroughly cleaning myself.

I wrap a towel around me and breathe out harshly.


You know how to fight.

And you know how to kill.

You will endure this.

You will do whatever they need you to do to keep yourself alive.

You will turn them against each other.

And then you will kill all of them.

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