Furry friends.

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As always, unedited x


The snow bites into my skin as I walk away from the house a complete and utter failure.

Maybe it was never Ivan's intention to kill us but if he doesn't someone surely will.

Power will always be temporary and though I applaud how much he has now, it won't be long until it is taken from him.

I shiver slightly and turn to see Elliot's car gone.

Makes sense he shouldn't wait it would be dangerous.

It's dark outside and I shudder.

Russia isn't safe.

I know that now.

I walk quietly calming myself that I can fight if need be.

I walk into a store and pay for some food with the money I had with me. Tucked in my bra.

I don't linger and leave quickly.

I walk fast when I hear some one yelling.

I turn and look down an alley way.

There's some man kicking at something and although I probably shouldn't I step forward to look.

To my horror a small puppy whines in the corner.

My heart cracks onto the floor and I scream.

"STOP!" The man whips around to look at me.

I should be scared but I'm so angry I taste vomit.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM" I scream walking forward.

The man staggers forward, he's much taller than me and bigger than me.

"What's it to you bitch? It needs to be disciplined"

I glance at the dog and see it's bleeding lying down.

Any fear that tricked into me dries up.

"Do you know someone called Ivan Russo?" I ask.

"Obviously" he slurs walking closer.

"Well I happen to be his wife"

He laughs manically "do you know how many prostitutes say the same thing?"

"Okay well I tried" I say calmly reaching down and putting my food on the floor.

I reach towards my thigh and pull the knife out.

In case Ivan wanted to be violent.

Guess I'm the one violent tonight.

I pull out the knife and study his face as he sees the gold glint in the moon light.

"Miss.." he begins to say but he doesn't get fat before I throw it at him like a dart.

It lands in his leg and he falls back.

I twist and rip it out.

"If you hurt any more animals I will gut you like a rat. Now limp to a hospital" I say kicking him forward.

He limps out of the alley way.

I take my food and walk towards the puppy.

It opens its eyes at me shaking.

I almost burst into tears.

I crouch down so I'm at its level.

"Hey baby" I say quietly.

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