Chapter 2: What's So Special About Her?

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Third person POV

Alphinore and Autumn sat in a tree, getting covered in snow, watching the tunnel to see if Brownie would appear with the toon.

"Target spotted approaching the tunnel."

"Keep an eye on them Bubba, Brownie has precious cargo with him and we can't risk having the resistance taking advantage of that power."

"Roger that, over and out."

Bubba ran off down the street to stay ahead of the toons while Autumn and Alphinore still were hiding out in the tree, waiting for their arrival.

"Alphy, why are we so interested in this toon? Does she have some sort of power?"

"Well according to Brownie, she definitely has some untapped power hidden away. Apparently she threw a cream pie at a level 7 cog and took it out no problem. From what we knew it was impossible, but apparently it isn't. Besides, I have a feeling she's exactly what we're looking for."

"Quick question, what are we looking for exactly?"

Alphinore looked down at the tunnel, and then turned to face Autumn, his face showing no emotion.

"Autumn, you remember what we were assigned by Flippy, right?"

"Yeah but..."

"Our mission is to find toons that will help us stop the advance of the cogs AND hault the toon resistance from within. You know how they have a way with their words. That's how they got Megasnoop. I won't let that happen again."

Autumn cringed at the mention of Megasnoop. He had left the rebel group in favor of the resistance because of some sly words and blackmailing long ago.

"Alphy, you know I don't particularly care for anyone talking about Mega..."

"Yes I know, but it got the point across didn't it?"

"Yeah I guess..."

"So plain and simple, we're looking for toons that will help us, no matter how strong or weak they are. We just happened to encounter exactly what we're looking for."

"But how do you know that she will resist the resistance?"

Alphinore looked back towards the tunnel and sighed.

"I don't know. I just hope that she will realize what's really going on."

"Target approaching The Blizzard Wizard. Permission for approach?"

"Permission denied Bubba. We can't risk having our cover blown this early into it. Just wait it out and I'll let you know when an approach is acceptable."

"Alright, where should I wait?"

"Get into one of the shops around the area and use it as a lookout. Any shopkeepers ask questions flash your badge."


The line cut out and Alphinore jumped down from the tree, shaking off the snow that fell onto his body. He quickly motioned for Autumn to come down and snuck off down the street. The Blizzard Wizard was in his line of sight when Brownie walked out, without the toon. He ran up to him and exclaimed,

"Where is she?"

"Alphinore chill man, she's getting the lowdown on the situation from Oldman. I wouldn't let anything happen to her. Promise."

Alphinore looked at the ground and then apologized for his outburst. The toon then walked out of the shop with Oldman holding the door for her.

"So you understand what your up against Star?"

"I understand fully Lil Oldman. I'm very excited to work with these toons!"

He turned to face the group and gave them a huge smile. Bubba looked immediately awestruck when he saw her face. She walked right up to Bubba and smiled.

"What's your name?"

"Uhhhhh.... Bubba."

"Well it's nice to meet you Bubba! I can't wait to work with you. I've already heard so much about you from Lil Oldman, and you are very talented with how you handle things. I respect you already."

Star shook Bubba's hand as a blush creeped up his cheeks. Brownie and Autumn looked at each other and then smiled. Looks like things were off to a good start. But things don't stay great for long when their are cogs around...

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