Authors Note: The End of an Era

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The time has finally arrived I guess... Resisting Business is over. I never even fathomed that a stray idea I had one spring afternoon would turn into something this big. Its even become a common topic of discussion between me and my friend at school, she's always wondering whats going to happen next. I took a chance, and it exploded into something that I will always look back on and reminiscence. You guys are the ones that have made Resisting Business what it is, and I can't thank you enough for everything that you've done, the support that you've given me, and the fabulous fan art I've received from all of you. I hope that I'll be able to carry this series even farther with a sequel. Yep, you read right, a sequel. The ending may have been maybe one of the biggest cliffhangers I've left you with, but I can promise you, everything will wrap up nicely once the sequel is finished around this time next year. I have no plans for how long it will be, but it will accomplish what it's supposed to.

Major thanks to Eclipse, GagStrategists, Haruka, Kenia, Mailmare, Doggies, Sakana, Charizard, and anyone else that kept me going when I felt like I couldn't. Thank you everyone, it truly is a blessing to associate myself with the Toontown community, and I hope to do it as proudly as I do now for a long time to come. I love you guys so much!


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