Chapter 3: A Mechanical Encounter

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Star's POV

I walked down the street with all the toons I had recently met. All of them had something that set themselves apart from the other two. Brownie wore a tiara yet he was a guy, which I found quite comical. Autumn was rocking a top hat while Bubba had a pair of red boots. The freezing weather was starting to take its toll as my movements slowed down. I never really cared to be out in the cold anyway.

"Are you OK?"

I looked up to see Bubba kneeling down in front of me, his face holding an expression of concern.

"Yeah I'm alright, just a little cold. Nothing I can't handle."

"Come on, how about we go get you a jacket. We still have a long way to go."

Bubba put a hand on my shoulder, shouted to Autumn and Brownie that we would be back in a few minutes, and then lead me down the street. We walked into a building and a blue duck immediately greeted us.

"Hey there Bubba! Here for a task?"

"Not this time, I'm here to buy something for a change."

"That's definitely different. Well, what would you like?"

"Two jackets if you have them."

"I should have some in the back, give me a minute."

The duck walked into the back room and I took a seat on the chair on the other side of the room. I looked up at the wall to see a picture of three toons taken in front of the shop.

"I remember that day..."

Bubba walked over to the picture and looked at the toons in the picture, one of them being himself.

"I did a building with Squeak and Yazzy before they left for Sellbot headquarters. I thought I would see them again, but... but..."

I got up and lead Bubba to the chair so that he could sit down. Once he sat down, the weeks of despair and turmoil he held in was released. I put my arm around his shoulder and he pulled me into a hug, his head coming to a rest on my shoulder. I could feel his tears soaking through my shirt.

"It's gonna be OK. We'll find them and bring them back home."


Promises. Something I was never good at. But maybe I can get better at them while I'm here. This is my chance to be a better person, er, toon.

"I promise."

Bubba smiled and I couldn't resist smiling myself. He put a paw on my cheek and rested it there for a moment, his eyes glancing into mine.

"Thank you, Star."

"You don't need to thank me, I haven't done anything."

"You've done more than you think."

"Two jackets?"

We both looked back towards the counter to see the duck setting the jackets down. Bubba got up and went towards the counter, taking out a pouch with jellybeans in it.

"How much for both?"

"Two-hundred jellybeans."

He opened up his pouch and then a pile of jellybeans hit the counter. The duck looked at the pile and counted the beans, frowning.

"You're fifty short unfortunately."


He looked at the pile and then facepalmed.

"I forgot that I had to buy gags this morning. Just get me the smaller jacket then."

"That will be one-hundred beans then."

"You don't have to Bubba."

"If you need it, then I'll get it. You won't last long out there until you've built up some sort of resistance like we all have."

He handed the duck the beans and then put a paw up to his earpiece.

"Miss, do you know what's going on?"

"Your guess is as good as mine."

The duck took the beans and handed me the jacket. Bubba then looked out the window and turned to face us, his facial expression looking grim.

"Alphinore located a Yesman headed this way. He isn't entirely sure if it is targeting this building or not so we have to stay here. I'm assuming you know what to do if a cog comes in here" He said as his focus shifted towards the duck.

"It's happened before, it was bound to happen again sometime."

I looked out the window to see the cog quickly approaching the building. It turned to face the door and I started to inch its way closer to us.

"It's coming. What do I do?"

"Stay behind us."

I quickly ran behind Bubba and the duck, who were pulling out gags to defend the building. The cog walked in and stood at the entrance, not retreating even with high level toons present.

"It's a level seven, we gotta get out of here."

We started to walk towards the door when the cog stopped us.

"Stop. I will not allow you to proceed."

"How about we just get out of your gears then? Just let us leave and we won't bother you. Plain and simple."

"Star, you shouldn't say anything like that. You never know how they will react."

"I like your lingo toon. perhaps you need a bit of Positive Reinforcement?"

"No thanks..."

"I believe that you do need it."

"I won't allow it."

Bubba stepped forward and had a cream pie in his paw. The duck grabbed a button off the counter and held onto it without any intentions of letting go.

"Look at you, defending her as well. Maybe you need some Positive Reinforcement to."


He threw the pie at the cog and then quickly lead us out of the building. I was on the brink of tears I was so scared. Bubba looked at me, told the duck to go across the street, and then he pulled me into a hug. I immediately started crying when I felt his embrace.

"Sssh... It's OK, we're out."

"But we almost got killed!"

"We didn't though. We escaped and that's what's important. You didn't take any damage, right?"

"I don't think so. You?"

"I'm fine Star, I'm not worried about myself. I'm worried about you."

"Bubba! Star!"

I heard Autumn scream as she ran down the street with Alphinore and Brownie, all of them looking extremely worried.

"Are you guys alright? We heard that a building got taken over and..."

"We're OK, and the shopkeeper is alright to."

"I shouldn't have said what I said, it was so stupid of me."

I started to tear up again and Bubba pulled me into his arms again.

"The Yesman tried to do the same thing those cogs at the elections did to Slappy."

Autumn looked up at the now gray and depressing building, then nudged Alphinore, who then looked up as well.

"It's only a two story building. You wanna take this one?"

"I got it. Star, just stay here. I'll be back soon. I promise."

Bubba ran across the street and into the elevator. A dingy red dog got into the elevator shortly after he did, and then the doors shut. I went towards the closed door, placing a paw on it.

"Please be safe..."

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