Chapter 16: Nasty Wet Cats and Nasty New Information

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Star's POV

I glanced up towards the sky and saw it darkening. Probably best if I head inside for the night. I turned around towards the tunnel back to the playground when I saw three toons running past me through the tunnel. I shook my head and walked through to see the three toons running towards the Toon HQ. Everyone was looking at them as they went past for some reason. I picked up the pace to catch up with them the best I could.


I made it inside the HQ to see everyone running around and tending to the three toons. Who are these gu-...


"Ow! Hey, that kinda hurts you know."

"Sorry, Squeak. We're just trying to see how much damage was really made to the both of you."

It's Squeak and Yazzy. But wait a second, who's that third toon?

"I really don't have an idea on what happened while we were gone... Can someone fill us in?"

"Maybe another time, Yazzy. You gotta recover."

"You don't realize who you're telling that to, don't you?"

"Yazzy I'm serious, go and get some rest. You've been in that tower for a long time. You won't be able to process everything that I need to tell you. Your mind just can't handle it."

"Fine, Megasnoop..."

I looked around the room to see Prov and the rest of the crew, except for Bubba. I walked over to them and sighed.

"Star, you think you can go get Bubba? He won't listen to any of us."

"I'm not that sure if he will listen to me. If he didn't listen to you guys, what are the chances that he will listen to me?"

"You're our only shot."

I glanced towards the bunk room and sighed. If I really am the only other option I should probably get him out there.

"I'll be back in a few minutes guys. Hopefully with Bubba as well."

I walked off towards the room and opened the door to see Bubba standing at the window, staring out towards the fountain right near the school house.



I felt a pie hit my face and I walked up to him, taking his paw into mine.

"Bubs. Seriously. Calm."

He looked at my face and he immediately was shocked.

"Oh my Flippy! I'm so sorry, Star... Here, let me handle this."

He pulled a seltzer bottle out of his gag pouch and used it, washing me off but leaving me soaking wet. I glared at him and he doubled over laughing on the floor. I pulled out a fruit pie and threw it at him, smiling.

"What did you do that for?"

"Just had to return the favor!"

I winked and started to lead him out of the room when he stopped walking.

"Star, do I have to go out there?"

"Yes you do. Theirs a little something waiting for you. Just please, follow me ok?"

"Alright... Before we go, you realize how bad you smell?"


"Oh right I did! But look at what you did, I'm dirty as heck over here!"

"Here let me help you..."


I grabbed a seltzer bottle out of my pouch and sprayed it at him, leaving him all wet and smelling like wet dog. Geez, that's nasty.

"There, now we BOTH smell like something really nasty and disgusting. Let's go."

We both walked out of the room trailing water. Alphinore and Brownie walked up to us and then ran off. They came back a few moments later with towels. While Bubba was drying off, Yazzy walked past him and smiled. He stopped walking and looked back to see her walking off towards the bunk room, along with Squeak.

"What... Am I dreaming?"

"I don't think so. I saw them running here and I followed them in."

He glanced back towards the room to see the door shut. He took a step towards the room and I shook my head.

"You should probably let them rest. They've been though a lot last I heard."

He signed and continued walking towards the group. The door then burst open and Smirky walked in, along with Lil Oldman and another dog.

"Star! It is great to see you looking well! Why are you so wet?"

"Oldman, that isn't important. While I was in the Executive Tower I found out some information. Flippy, we need to discuss this now."

"Of course, Furball. Everyone else, go train your gags while their are lower level cogs around. Theirs no telling what could happen next."

Furball and Flippy rushed towards an office and slammed the door shut. Everyone else either hurried out the door or lingered in the hallway to hear back from Furball and Flippy.

"I'm gonna go take a walk, maybe play a trolley game or two while I'm at it. Anyone want to come with?"

"I might as well come along. Girls night anyone?"


I walked out the door with Autumn, Sparkly, Prov, and Clicie. Finally, time for a little relaxation and fun with the girls.

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