Chapter Fourteen

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The next day, Hermione had spent her time with Draco in the room of requirement reading and snuggling by the fire. They never noticed the passing of the time. It was like their own little world. Once they stepped out of that room, their perfect world came crashing down.

Students from all houses were rushing around screaming and other things. The war had already started. The lovers seemed to forget of each other for a moment and bolted off in different directions. Hermione needed to find Harry and figure out what was going on. Stuck in the crowd of scared students pushing into the only safe place, the common rooms.

Finally getting in, Hermione spotted the red hair of Ron weasely and the familiar glasses of Harry potter. Harry was pacing as Hermione came up to them. Seeing her, they both wrapped their arms around her "oh Merlin Hermione where have you been?!" Harry asked scared.

"The library, what's going on?" She asked looking around at the frantic common room, while Ron looked at her, clearly not believing her.

"Snape killed Dumbledore. We need to leave" Harry said and explained about the trio going to find the horcruxes. "It's the only way to stop Voldemort. We leave in the morning so pack everything you need." Hearing this, Hermione's heart dropped. Dumbledore is dead and they would leave for who knows how long. Draco!

It seemed they both had the same idea, for when Hermione entered the room of requirement there was Draco pacing. "Hermione thank Merlin you're safe!" he hugged her tightly as she cried into his chest. "I don't know what I would have done if something happened to you" he kissed her head and held her close.

Hermione cried and talked into his chest, making him not understand her at all. Picking her up he set his girlfriend on the bed, that appeared, keeping his arms around her. "Hermione I can't understand you." He stroked her hair in an attempt to calm her.

Pulling back she looked into his eyes and informed him of their quest to destroy the horcruxes. His eyes saddened when he realized "this is your last night in Hogwarts.."

She burst into tears again "Draco I can't leave you! I love you." It was true, but she also knew Ron and Harry needed her on this quest. But she had already lost so many who she loved. Her parents, Dumbledore, and now him. She hugged his muscled body. Using his thumbs, Draco gently wiped her tears from her face. His hands moving to cup her face.

"I love you too Hermione. But you have to go. They need you. You'll be safe with them." His voice was soft and comforting to Hermione, even though it pained his heart saying it. This was their last together for a long time, maybe even forever. Draco had been summoned back home to Malfoy Manor. "If tonight is all we have, then let's make tonight special."

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