Chapter Thirty Six

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Two witches were huddled over a bleeding figure as the sun cast light around them. Hermione was in shock. Shock by the three words that had escaped the headmistress's lips. "Y-you can?" She choked out. Mcgonagall could heal draco? The Sectumsempra ? The old witch nodded. "Professor Snape seemed fit to teach me." They both look down to Draco who had began to choke on his own blood and cough. Gripping his hand tightly Hermione closed her eyes as Draco coughed blood, a few drops landing on Hermione's soft cheek. They mixed with her tears.

Students sat amongst each other in the great hall. Their wounds were being tended to and mugs of healing tea were distributed. The school was in ruins, lucky the great hall survived and the enchanted ceiling was as wonderful as ever. Harry was with Ginny helping her clean the blood from her face and Ron was sitting very close with Lavender Brown.

The soft chattering and mourning of students and professors hummed through the air of the great hall. There was silence when all heads craned up to see Hermione walking in. She was covered in blood that was not hers. Most students gasped when they saw newly healed Draco Malfoy, Slytherin prince, holding hands with Gryffindor princess, Hermione Granger. Not seeming to notice, Hermione lead Draco to a table to have his injuries looked at.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked as her head laid on his shoulder. Madame Promfrey was healing Draco's injuries with a wave of a wand. His bruises faded leaving that beautiful face of his. His grey eyes moved to Hermione as his fingers brushes a stray strand of hair from her face. "Never better my love." They both leaned in, but before they could touch a figure walked up to them.

Narcissa was dirty but didn't look injured as she looked upon the couple. Draco lifted his head to look at his mother. She knew he was in love with a muggle born, the entire school knew. But Draco also knew that she fought on their side. She fought for good. "Would you mind if I talk to my son? Alone?" She addresses the witch before her. Nervously Hermione gave her lovers hand a squeeze, whispered she would be back, kissed his cheek, and went off to find harry.

Taking a seat beside her son, her eyes followed the Gryffindor. "You love her don't you?" Her voice was soft and almost far away. Draco, watching Hermione too, nodded. "Very much mother." Sneaking a glance at him, narcissa saw a smitten smile on his face and pure love in his eyes. Upon seeing this her own lips formed a smile.

Hermione stood looking over the destroyed remains of Hogwarts, her home, when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her from behind. There was not question who it was because her heart skipped a beat at the contact. The love stuck witch leaned back into Draco's chest as his lips found her neck. "What are you doing out here alone my princess?" His voice was soft and sweet.

"Hogwarts is destroyed." She said with a sad sigh but her lips betrayed her and smiled when his lips brushes her neck. "They will rebuild. Make it better and stronger. Hogwarts is still our home." Hermione smiled at the word 'our'. Rubbing his muscled arms she tilted her face to look at him. "What did you're mother say to you?" With a soft kiss to the temple Draco explained how his mother apologized for how he was raised, how she was proud of him for choosing the right side, how she loved him, and how she was happy he finally found the one he loved.

As he talked Hermiones smile grew wider until it landed on their joined arms. His sleeve was slightly pushed up. Draco noticed and allowed Hermione to reveal his dark mark. Next Hermione pulled up hers, showing the now healing 'Mudblood'. Their arms were held beside each other. Pale skin to beautifully tan skin. Draco laid his chin on her shoulder with a sigh.

A moment later Hermione was leaning down and pressing a lovingly soft kiss to his mark. It was all over finally. Soon they would just be scars. Scars that remind us of our past. "Scars show us where we have been, they do not dictate where we are going." Hermione's melodic voice broke through his thoughts.

With a smile, his girlfriend turned in his arms and pressed her lips to his in a loving kiss. Without hesitation his lips moved with hers. Soon they pulled away and Hermione found a broom beside them. Draco's black and green nimbus 2001. Arching an eyebrow, Hermione watched a famous Malfoy smirk come across his face as he climbed on and held out his hand to her.

Hermione shuffled on her feet hesitant. She never was good at flying on a broom. "Trust me Hermione, I will protect you." His eyes sparkled in the setting sun. Hermione felt her insides melt and soon she took Draco's hand. He helped her on and she sat in front of him. Her back to his chest, his arms snaked around her and held the broom with her hands under his. With a kick off the ground they were in the air. Hermione looked around in amazement at the beautiful sky of pinks, reds, and oranges. "I love you Draco."

Hermione could feel his smile instead of seeing it. Briefly his lips kissed her cheek before they flew off into the sky away from Hogwarts. This wasn't goodbye. They werent leaving. They would be returning to see what the future held in store for them. "I love you too Hermione. Always."

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