Chapter Eighteen

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"Expecto patronum." Hermione whispered as the happy memory of Draco and Hermione's first kiss conjured the silvery light from her wand. Soon the otter swam around her feet. The sight brought a faint smile to Hermione's lips. "Go fine Draco Malfoy. Lead him to me." Nodding, the otter disappeared into the darkness of the woods. Now she waited.

Sitting at dinner, Draco kept his head down. None of his food passed his lips. His father was sitting straight as a board in his chair as the Dark Lord strolled in with enormous snake. The chat was non existent as they ate. His mother scolded Draco for not eating but he couldn't eat. He was too worried about Hermione. Where was she? A flash of silver caught his eye.

His fork clattered on the plate once he rushed to his feet. All eyes went to him "I-I feel sick...if you'll excuse me.." He rushed from the room, his chair almost falling over. Closing and locking the door to his room, he saw the otter swimming around the floor. A smile erupted on his face. He knew it was Hermione. His light had returned.

Hermione had waited all night and nothing. Once the sun rose she went back to the tent and slept. Like always she dreamed of Draco. This time he was flying around on his broom in his beautiful green robes. He shot her a smile which seemed to light up her whole world. She could only watch as a dementor came up and sucked the soul out of Draco. He went pale and fell. He kept falling and falling.

She gasped awake in her bed. Ron and Harry were in the kitchen part of the tent eating. By the look from the light it must be sunset. She had slept through the day. With shaking hands she got up out of bed. Both boys looked at her concerned. "I'm alright. I'll take night watch" she grabbed her coat and walked out of the tent.

Sitting against a tree, Hermione held her wand tightly. The sun had gone down and the stars had come out. It was so nice here, she thought as her grip on the blanket around her shoulders tightened. The snow was fresh on the ground. Hermione only volunteered for watch was incase Draco came. But nothing all day.

Using her wand, Hermione created a small fire that burned in her hands. The warmth slowly spread through her. It cast dim shadows on the trees around her when she noticed a light. Looking up she saw her otter burst through the trees. It remained for only moment then it vanished. She watched the trees hoping.

Branches crunched in the darkness and stepping out of the shadows she saw the familiar blonde hair. "Hermione?" The figure whispered. The voice warmed her to the bone as she hurriedly got to her feet. "It's me, Draco." She said, shocked. He was here! Seeing a smile before her fire went out, Draco rushed to Hermione and crushed his lips to hers.

Her back hit the tree trunk as he pinned her. Her hands wrapped around his neck as his body pressed against hers. He was here, he was actually here, kissing her. His kiss was passionate as he released all the worry he had been carrying for three weeks. As they kissed Draco tasted salt on her lips. She was crying.

Pulling back, he was breathless as he looked at his Gryffindor princess "I've missed you so much Draco" she clung onto him tightly. Draco's thumbs came up and wiped her tears away gently "I've been so worried. Oh Merlin Hermione I'm so glad your safe. I missed you too" he crushed her body to his. He never wanted to let go again. She was his light.

Looking up at him she sniffed "I can't believe you're here" her lip quivered as if she might cry again. It stopped once his soft finger brushed her bottom lip "I'm here now love. I will always come for you" Leaning down, they embraced in another passionate kiss behind the trunk of the tree.

"Stupefy!" A voice bellowed through the woods toward them.

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