Chapter Thirty Five

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The scene before Hermione unraveled and she, like Many others just watched Harry defeat and kill lord Voldemort. All breath seemed to stop as the lord Voldemort, the one they had feared for years was finally dead. At that moment the sun broke free from the clouds casting golden light among the darkness.

Hermione's eyes darted every direction in search of Draco but he was no where to be seen. Where was he? Ron stood beside her with a hand on her shoulder. Finally she caught a glimpse of platinum hair moving toward the group from the other side of the court yard. A smile erupted on her face when she saw Draco but it faded quickly.

Draco was limping slowly toward them but he never made it all the way. Everyone's eyes turned to him including Hermione. She felt Ron squeeze her shoulder and then she noticed. His chest was bleeding, heavily. Harry, who had somehow gotten to Hermione's side, flinched. Harry knew those wounds. Because he had been the giver of those wounds to Draco during 6th year. Sectumsempra.

The moment Draco fell to his knees clutching his chest, Hermione had darted off and was there to catch him. Once closer she saw the extent of his injures. His chest looked as if it had been slashed by swords and blood seeped out in large amounts. Draco was heaving as she carefully laid his head on her lap. Blood weeped from the back of his head. Tears streamed down Hermione's face as Draco struggled to breath.

"Draco please I'm right here." The witch gripped his hand tightly, forcing him to look at her. He did. His beautiful silver eyes were wide. He looked so badly beaten, more than so many of the ones here. These were his torture marks. He went through so much just to keep Hermione safe. "H-her-Mione" he choked out as his blood stained her clothes.

All eyes were on them in shock. From the students point of view it looked as if Hermione cared for Draco and that was proven when she leaned down and kissed his forehead crying. Hermione didn't know the counter curse. She knew no way to heal him. No one except Snape did and he was dead. Hermione couldn't loose Draco. His face was deathly pale and his once platinum hair was stained with blood.

"Draco please don't leave me again," she sobbed as her hand caressed his cheek. His chest was still heaving as he tried desperately to force air into his lungs. "I love you Draco. I can't loose you." The entire crowd was silent upon hearing her words. Mustering all his strength Draco gave Hermione one of his famous smiles. "I love you too."

The professors started leading students inside to be healed and to cease watching. Mcgonagall was rushing over to them with her wand drawn. Her face ashen seeing how badly hurt Draco was. Hermione was clutching his hand to her heart as she cried. Getting to her knees beside the couple she placed her wand to his chest. "I don't know the counter spell professor. I can't heal him. He can't die." Hermione said between her sobs.

With a touch to Hermione's shoulder the old women looked at her gently. It was obvious how much Hermione cared about Draco. The Draco that Mcgonogall was sure no one would be able to break through his dark and show him light, but she was wrong. Hermione Granger did. The young witch was the one to cast light upon him. With a soft voice the professor spoke. "But I can."

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