Chapter Twenty Nine

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At St. Mungos there was no change in Draco. His chest steadily rose and fell in weak shallow breaths but his eyes did not open. The healers began to worry he would never wake. Snape continuously came to check on the boy but only left with disappointment. After all the boy has been through it will be a shame for him to die this way.

The sound of running water ran through the room. Hermione was curled in a ball on the shower floor. The water ran over her bare body as her head was in her knees. Tears mixed with shower water as she thought about the hole in her heart. It was left by Draco.

She thought of all the time they spent together. She thought of their first kiss. Of his experience with the boggart. Of how he could not conjure a patronus. Of the wonderful night they spent together. Of how she could always feel him in her heart.

But now She couldn't feel him. No more warmth or love. Only emptiness filled her. Hermione felt as if he was dead. Which he could be! She had no idea. She only knew that he was gone and she would never see her Slytherin prince again.

The healers changed his bandages carefully. St. Mungos had been closed to full in the past weeks as the war got closer and they knew the time was coming. Voldemort was coming. And soon. Elizabeth, Draco's main healer, made a note on his file. 'No change'.

"The next horcrux, it's at Hogwarts. Something to do with Ravenclaw." Harry said holding his head, recovering from his more recent episode. Ron and Hermione went deathly pale. Hogwarts? Which was crawling with death eaters and more importantly, Snape. Exchanging a glance at each of her friends, Hermione put her hands on the table.

Loosing Draco had broke her. Seeing that curse hit him and just leaving him there, shattered the witch. But she had to be strong. For her friends. For Draco. She had to prove Draco didn't die for nothing. "Then Hogwarts here we come."

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