An Introduction Worth Waiting For!!

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(Y/N): Wait, why are you girls blindfolding me? 

Ruby: We got a surprise for you! 

Both Ruby and Yang were leading you somewhere, but you don't know where, and well, you hated waiting. 

(Y/N): Ruby, Yang, just get to the point. 

Yang: Reach out your hand. 

(Y/N): Why, what could I possibly gra- 

You then feel something and start to tug on it. 


(Y/N): VELVET?! 

Ruby: Not just her!! 

???2: Hey there Hot Stuff! 

(Y/N): COCO?! 

Coco Adel and Velvet Scarlatina (These two are lifelong partners since childhood and also are part of the Hunter's Association! They are Blacklist Hunters and have been hunting criminals for a long while! Coco's Bag can transform into a gatling gu...

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Coco Adel and Velvet Scarlatina (These two are lifelong partners since childhood and also are part of the Hunter's Association! They are Blacklist Hunters and have been hunting criminals for a long while! Coco's Bag can transform into a gatling gun, and Velvet has a special camera that whenever she takes pictures of someone, she can copy their weapons and fighting styles!) 

(Y/N): Hey girls! About time you come into the series! Why did you take so long? 

Yang: Nora mentioned something to the author about- 

NO! STOP!! She didn't threaten to break my legs. Nothing like that ever happened. 

(Y/N): I'm sure, Mr. Author. 

Hey, I'm also the storyteller of this freaking series! Seriously, it's Book 6, and I still don't have any respect. (Rodney Dangerfield voice) I get no respect at all. 

(Y/N): Save the references for some other day. How are you girls? 

Coco: Stylish. Also, Velvet's hungry for carrot cake. 

Velvet: I swear, I don't have a problem. 

(Y/N): You know, I swear you both could get along with this other carrot cake enthusiast I know of. 

Velvet: Who? 

(Y/N): She's a rabbit mink named Carrot. Really freaking adorable! She's also one of the Straw Hat Pirates! 

Coco: Say, you think we should give up the request to turn in- 

Velvet: Yeah, definitely. 

Yang: You could always try Gourmet Hunting. 

She pulls out a tub of fried chicken. 

Ruby: Where did you get that? 

Yang: Do I even need to mention where I get a tub of fried chicken? 

She starts digging into her greasy food, while everyone sighs. 

Yang: It's been a grease time! Eh? 

Ruby: UGH! 

Yang: Hey, I'm just winging you! Eh? 

(Y/N): YANG!! 

Yang: It's so mother-clucking good! Eh? 

Coco and Velvet: If you do another pun, we're leaving. 

Yang: Fine. 

The two soon calmed down from being pissed at Yang, and well, just sat around to hang. 

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