Weiss' Nightmare!!

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Ruby and Weiss were out in a mission killing off a rogue Grimm that had managed to break free from Salem's control.

Ruby: Wait, I thought that all of the Grimm were supposed to be gone.

Weiss: You do know creatures can grow self aware right?

Ruby: Well how was I supposed to know?! I'm not a psychic!!

Weiss: Well you should be able to use your head once in a while! How do you expect to-

Then a figure moves.

Weiss: What the?!

Ruby: What's wrong?

Weiss: I think it's here.

Then the creature comes out to attack!!

Then the creature comes out to attack!!

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Ruby: What is that kind of Grimm?!

Weiss: I don't know!!

The two start attacking from a distance with the gun forms of their weapons.

Weiss gets the idea to use her Nen abilities on her weapon and fire an ice shot that could freeze it in place, only for the creature to go right into her mind, by using the threads.

Ruby: Agh! Weiss!!


But then she begins to slur her words, and falls.

Ruby: No! Come on, don't leave me! Come on! Call me stupid, criticize me! Say something! Weiss?! Please?!

Soon back at home...

(Y/N): Ruby, come on! Get a hold of yourself!!

She is just blubbering and breaking into tears.

Ruby: I can't! Weiss is- she's- she's-

(Y/N): No, I can sense her energy. She's not dead. She's alive. Just-

Inside of her, you sense a bad energy.

(Y/N): We have to go inside.

Ruby: Huh?! How?!

(Y/N): It's called an out of body experience! All we have to do is-

You touch her and then-


You both appear in the Kingdom of Atlas, only to see their to be several soldiers surrounding the place!

(Y/N): What the?! I thought this was-

Ruby: Why is the city so full of military guys and robots?

(Y/N): I get the feeling that if Weiss didn't have her good qualities, she'd be Esdeath.

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