ch. 3 going out

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Jacob's pov-
I literally can't sleep with her there. I got up and moved her onto my bed. I was staring at her for a good minute and then I crashed on the couch. I finally fell asleep knowing her comfort. I think imma ask her out tmrw.
Y/n's pov-
Oh no why am I on his bed. I got up frantically looking for my glasses (yea u wear glasses lol). Jacob came out of his bathroom shirtless and brushing his teeth just like last night. " Good morning." He said. "Morning." I replied. " I moved you on my bed and I slept on the couch last night. "Ohhh thank you so much." Jacob nodded, I think I like him honestly. I rushed across the hallway, and threw on a white tank top and brown sweats. Jacob asked if I wanted to hang out with him. I said yes of course, I went downstairs and Paige pulled me aside. "Omg do you like jacob?!" I was so hesitant to talk. " yes I think I do." Paige was so happy, " I think he likes you too!!" We started laughing and then we had breakfast. Ace asked if I wanted to hang out and I looked at Jacob. He looked...jealous?! I said no and that I was going to hang out with Jacob. He was okay and said that we should hang out another time. I agreed. Me and Jacob went to target and I got my bed frame and mattress. Once we came home I pulled the mattress out of the car so I could sleep on it tonight.

4:30 pm
Jacob's pov-
I put her bed frame in her room and sat on the love sac. Kristian and Paige came and talked to me about y/n.
K- you like her a lot don't ya.
J- yea I guess i do..
P- well then ask her out! She will say yes i'm sure!
I took Paige's advice and made my way to y/n.
Y/n's- pov-
Jacob walked over to me and sat besides me on the couch. He tapped my shoulder and I look up at him. "Hey y/n, can we go out tmrw to coffee like on a date?" OMG DID HE JUST ASK ME OUT?! "Yea of course! I would love too!" He got up looking happy. After a short while, Mia and Paige come smiling at me and I told them everything, they squealed so high that I'm pretty sure one of the glasses broke. We all just hung out and I fell asleep on the bed I just assembled.
The next day I woke up at around 10 am. I got dressed up for the date so I wouldn't have to rn around.

This is what you wear

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This is what you wear. (feel free to change.)
You come downstairs and you see everyone on the couch. I walked into the kitchen to Jacob waiting for me. "You ready?" He says. "Yep let's hit the coffee shop." He laughs. We got in the car and he started driving.

Jacob's pov-

She looks so beautiful, I wonder if I could just... I move my hand and hold hers, making her smile and look at the window.

Yn's pov-

We arrive to the cafe after a 5 minute drive. I got myself a (whatever drink) and Jacob orders a Carmel Macchiato. Till you see them..

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