Ch.8 ex

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TW- Harassment

A few months later....

Jacob and I are having the best relationship, I think this may be the best one i've ever had. I was making a TikTok with Kristian. We posted one and comments started flowing is as always. A few minutes later I saw a comment from a familiar username, it was my ex. I brushed it off thinking nothing of it. Boy was I wrong, we were all at target. We were wearing tank tops and unicorn pants. I was grabbing some bagels when I saw someone, it was my ex?! I ran out of the aisle and went to Jacob, he saw me in a hurry so he caught me. "What's wrong y/n?" He asked worriedly. Everyone was facing at me. "It's just that my ex is here, I saw him while getting bagels for us girls, he's not the best person to be with if you know what I mean." Everyone nodded and Thomas started recording bits of us playing around in Target. While we were walking I saw him. I tapped on Jacob's shoulder, "that's him. He likes to be dramatic." He nodded and we started walking." I hoping for him not to see me, but he did. I was walking past him and he turned around. "Y/n! Long time no see!" He had a big smile on his face. "Oh hi Jared. Nice meeting you too." I nodded and we started walking again until I felt a tug on my arm. "Come on y/n why are you running away from me again." He still had that disturbing smile on. "Watch it man." Jacob pulled his hand on mine. "Who are you." Jared asked. "I'm y/n's boyfriend so just back off."Jacob looked like he was gonna kill someone.  "Oo a feisty one." His smile was back on. "Can you just not right now Jared." I told him. He grabbed on my waist and started pulling me his way. I tried to look away but his other hand was on my face. Jacob was pulling me away from him but he couldn't. Tears started coming out my eyes. Everyone saw it and started pulling me away from him. Jacob and Jared started fighting while Mia and Paige were comforting me. Jared eventually ran away. And Jacob ran to me, "are you okay y/n?!" He came all bruised. I bursted into tears, my head was facing the floor. He lifted my chin. He saw my cheek bruised. He lifted my tank top and saw my hips bruised too. I cried, "i'm sorry." "No no no you have nothing to be sorry about." We left the shop after checking out. We got so many looks, of our faces. One lady even asked if they were abusing me, I of course said no. When we came home me and Jacob were sitting on the beanbags while Paige and Mia brought us ice packs for our bruises. Everyone went to bed but me and Jacob couldn't sleep from the pain so we watched movies till we fell asleep.

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