ch. 4 boo.

585 4 1

TW- harassment, abuse.
Skip this if you don't feel comfortable.

Y/n's pov-
"Great Hollywood Fix, we are screwed." I laughed. "Yeah I guess we are." " Wanna get out of here?" He whispered. "Hell yea." We ran outside laughing and we jumped in the car. We backed out of the cafe and went straight to target. I asked the hype house what they wanted from target. Jacob went his own way, while I was stuck grabbing everyone's thing. I bump into someone, I was looking up till I realized it was my ex. I looked shock and started back away. "Where are you going hun?" I walked backwards even faster. He caught up to me grabbing on my waist and holding it tight. I tried escaping but he was gripping hard. "Why did you leave me?" He said why putting a sad face on. I slapped him, "leave me alone freak." I yelled hoping someone would hear it. Jacob heard it. He ran to me and pulled the man off me. "Oh my gosh y/n are you okay." J said. " No yeah I'm fine." I wasn't, I was on the verge of crying. He saw that so he checked the stuff out and we headed to the car. "Can I look?" He asked. "Yea.." he lifted my shirt to see bruises on my hips. He looked shocked. We drove all the way home. I was looking at the window. When we were walking I twisted my ankle bad. Jacob helped me in and sat me down. Everyone was just looking at us. "Omg, what happened to y/n?" Paige said worried. "She bumped into her ex and he hurt her." Jacob said walking back with the ice packs. He placed 1 one my ankle and the other two on the waist. I was just looking on the floor thinking what to do. "Hey guys I heard there was a party tonight at a club we should all go!" Everyone was confused. "But aren't you hurt?" Ace asked. "Well yeah," I slightly giggled", I don't think it should stop us from having fun. Him and I were a long time ago. It was just a coincidence we found each other in a store." Everyone was quiet but eventually the agreed.

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