ch. 6 Surprise

591 8 2

Tw- abuse, harassment

3:36 am
My jaw dropped. There was a black silhouette by right in front of me. I started to scream. Everyone heard me. Jacob came running first screaming my name. By the time the silhouette already grasped my hand. Thomas turned on the lights to see a robber, not one but 5. They were all surrounding me. "I only wanted a snack." I started saying. I wasn't crying, at least not yet. I was too shocked too feel anything. "I want 30k NOW." One of the robbers say. I started shaking my head but no one listened. " Alright alright let y/n go though." Ace said. Jacob was getting closer trigger to grab me but instead he got caught and one of the robbers started fighting him. Next thing you know it was a whole shit show. Mia and Paige ran upstairs to call the police and security up front. I was still standing there with the robber. He now had a gun on me. I started shaking. I slowly realized what's happening and I started screaming. The robber covered my mouth so it was all muffled. I tried getting free but it only made the robbers grip tighter. Jacob fought off the robber and ran to the other one. He stopped once he saw the gun. "Hey man you don't want to do this, just drop the gun." Jacob tried talking in a soft way. " NAH MAN YOU LISTEN TO ME. YOU AINT GETTING THIS GIRL UNLESS YOU HAVE ME WHAT I ASKED." Without a doubt Jacob ran upstairs.

Jacob's pov-
Oh god oh god I can't lose y/n now. "Mia, Paige, please help me find my bag in my room I think I have my TikTok money. Y/n is being held by ransom." Mia, Paige and I started looking around. I finally found it and the got 30K. I ran downstairs and I hid it in my pants.

Y/n pov-
I was almost about to cry when Jacob came back down. I knew what he was about to happen. I was screaming high not to give it to him. He couldn't understand. I got so mad and scared that I released my hands and started tugging at my mouth. I finally got the hand off my mouth. "Jacob don't give it too them they are coming." I told him. All the boys finished the fights. A couple minutes of the boys trying to get me back the cops and security came. They caught all of the robbers. I just stood there in shock. Jacob came running and he hugged me. I was so in shock I had no idea what to do. I sat on the floor not knowing what I was doing. Jacob looked confused and so did everyone else. "What the hell was that." I started saying. " I just wanted a snack, you know maybe some water." I passed out. I slowly woke up to see Jacob carrying me to the couch. I started waving my hand to set me down. Everyone else was sitting down. "That was hella crazy." I spoke. " Tell me about it." Jackson said. I grabbed a ton of ice in  plastic bags and gave it to everyone. " Thank you everyone. I'm sorry this happened." "This isn't your fault for wanting to eat." Jacob said. Everyone agreed. We all went to bed and slept in because of what just happened.

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