ch. 7 fight

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Guys I'm running out of ideas!! Please comment some ideas. THANK YOU SM FOR THE VEIWS!!

A few weeks has passed by.
Jacob came back home from making content with someone else. He looked pissed off and he went to his room. I came to his room after a little bit. "Jacob?" I knocked. "WHAT?!" He yelled at me. I opened the door pissed. "Why did you yell at me?" He was acting really mean, I didn't like it at all. "Just leave me alone y/n you get so annoying sometimes." I looked shocked. "Fine but don't come crying to me apologizing." I was walking out when he said, "well then don't be such a bitch." I turned around really mad, but I just walked out. I walked downstairs and got some chips to eat. "Hey y/n!" Mia said. "Hey Mia." She looked confused. "What's wrong?" She said with a puzzled face. "Jacob is just being a bitch. I didn't say anything to him, but it's whatever I guess." Mia said, "Oh my, I hope everything works out with you both. "Yeah I hope so too." I mumbled. I did not know what was going on in this man's brain, and honestly I didn't want to know.
Time skip
We were going out to dinner. I wore some cargo pants and a tank top. We were finally going to Olive Garden. I stepped out of my room and so did Jacob. I was still pissed off at him so I ignored him while he did the same. He went back in his room to get something. I was walking down the stairs and then Ace said "Trouble in paradise." Everyone laughed but soon stopped when they saw me staring at them. Thomas said that we all have to go in the same car this time, so  we need some people to sit in the trunk. Kristian, Jake, and Bryce said yes, but one more person needed to go. I saw Jacob about to say something so I said I would. "Are you sure y/n?" Thomas said. "Hell yea! This'll be fun!" I smirked at Jacob. While we're we're pulling up there was a speed-bump. Once we hit it I jumped off of the trunk. We all started laughing. "I guess we need a car seat for you huh y/n." Kristian said laughing. "Probably." I replied. We got there, I was forced by Thomas to sit next to Jacob. I was still mad at him and didn't want to say anything to him. I couldn't help it though, "why are you pissed at me Jacob." I started whispering so no one knew. He just ignored me. "I see how it is." I turned around talking with everyone else. We got home I still wasn't talking to him. He pulled me in his room and we started arguing.
J- Why are you making everything a big deal.
Y/n- why do you get mad at me for no reason.
J- I CAN'T deal with you right now.
Y/n- THEN DON'T I didn't ask to come in your room did I. I get it you had a bad experience with the other person, but don't start getting mad at me for no reason.
J- You're a fucking bitch you know. LEAVE.
He instantly regretted it, I saw it in his face.
Y/n- Fine. I didn't ask to come in here anyways. Come talk to me when you fix your attitude.
J- Y/n...
He tried grabbing my hand but I pulled away. I flipped him off and I went into my room. I heard a knock on the door, it was Jacob. "Y/n...I'm really sorry, I didn't mean anything I'm just really pissed." I let him in. We were both talking and soon after we made up. He kissed me and it turned into a make out sesh. He ended up sleeping with me in my room.

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