Ch. 9 New member

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"Wow, a new member is coming in." Thomas said. "Yea, I can't wait to meet him!" Jackson replied. We were all in the living room playing around, till we heard a knock on the door. "It must be him!" I went up and opened the door. A blonde haired guy probably around 6'3 was outside. "Hey beauty. I'm the new guy here." I felt uncomfortable but I shook it off and showed him to everyone else. "Everyone say hi to...?" "Chris. Chris Jarvis." He put his arm around me. I didn't like it so i ducked down and went to Jacob. He was staring Chris down. To try and change the mood I asked if everyone wanted play with nerf guns. Everyone agreed we started plying around. Mia and Paige pushed me in front of them. I turned around with me hands in the air. "Really guys!" Just as I was about to walk back someone picked me up and threw me into the beanbags. It wasn't Jacob it was Chris. Jacob ran up to me and helped me up. "I don't like this guy." Jacob was saying while helping me up. "Yea me neither." We kept on playing. At night we all were in the theater, me and Jacob we sitting together laughing. Chris came and sat next to me. Great, i'm stuck in between two guys that don't even like each other. Chris moved closer to me, but then Jacob pulled me in. "What are you doing man." Jacob told him. "I am not doing anything I just pulled her in." he responded. "You know what imma grab some popcorn." I said trying to relieve the tension. I get up and start walking to the kitchen. I open the pantry and try reaching for the popcorn. THUD! The popcorn box falls on my  foot. "FUCKING BITCH." I said hopping around the pantry holding my foot. I heard a bunch of people running in. " Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?" Jacob frantically say while helping me on a stool. "oh yea im fine i was just grabbing the thing from the shelf no biggie." "okay but you should've asked me i don't want you getting hurt all the time." "yea okay." I brushed it off.

i didn't feel like writing anymore lol my fingers hurt. 🤩

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