The knifes location.

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Lucifer was picking up the location of the knife it was in the police station. "I knew it.. as expected..the knife has been used, it's been on earth for more than 2 days, someone's already used it.."

Lucifer could feel the radiating energy of the knife, someone killed multiple people with the knife in just 2 days, of course this was the power of the wasn't an ordinary knife so if in human hands it would control them.

This is what she was afraid of, now her father..whom is of course the almighty god would definitely be aware that the knife was out of her reach and somewhere on earth, "I just know my father is going to give me shit for this when I get back..but I still have to get that knife regardless."

She was going to have to find a way to break into the property room where all murder weapons/ evidence was stored, so she could get back her knife.

"Hi? notice your blocking the entrance right?" Someone said tapping Lucifer's shoulders, Lucifer was confused, she turned around to see a pretty detective, right away Lucifer knew how she was getting into that property room, her one way ticket to that room was the detective.

"Oh hi there pretty one, yes I'm sorry for blocking your dear entrance.." she says moving to the side. "Could you bring me to your property room?" She asked smiling.

"Oh I'm sorry only employees at the precinct can enter that room, why are you asking to enter the property room? Who are you?" The detective asked concerned.

Lucifer rolled her eyes, "I don't have time for this." She grabbed the detective hypnotizing her. "I said take me to your property room now." She demanded.

Josie pushed Lucifer away. "Uhm excuse me? Have some respect..what is wrong with you?..if you touch me like that again I can have you arrested for can't just grab someone like that.."

Lucifer thought to herself, 'what the actual hell? Why didn't my powers work on her? Why can't I hypnotize this woman? She's literally a it should be easy..great so now for some reason my powers aren't working and I still haven't gotten the knife. How do I get into the precinct, I need to get that knife before it hurts someone else.'

"Do you hear what I said?" Josie said annoyed. "It's not okay for you to touch someone like that, I am a detective and I can sure as hell get you arrested, so next time think about your actions!!" Josie said to Lucifer.

"Yeah yeah I heard you, whatever..woman your not that special okay? Don't worry I wasn't trying to have sex with you or anything don't get your hopes up." Lucifer said sighing and walking away. "I have to find another way to get that knife." She said to herself.

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