The first case.

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" now let's talk a little bit about your first case together I figured you'd be super excited since you'd finally be supervising Lucifer's  team..for her first case." The chief said to detective mill.

" yeah I'm super excited." Mill said sarcastically.

" all right cut it out..let's talk work.. so there's this illegal auction going on tonight and it's not even supposed to be happening I need you to follow Lucifer on this case with a team to arrest the leader of the bid..he's been getting caught up in some very illegal activities  lately and we needed to build a case against him before we arrested him but now we're sure and we need you guys to do the job, it should be a super easy job..Lucifer and you can handle this right?"

"Right." Mill said sighing.

" it sounds fun I cannot wait to start the first case with you detective mill we are going to do such a great job together." Lucifer said excited.


Hours later.
detective  mill had it all planned out. " so this is what's going to happen you are going to follow my lead since I'm supervising the team and you're going to do exactly what I say, ya got that?" She asked Lucifer.

" but I thought this is my case and since you're supervising it you're just going to be protecting me and watching from the sidelines while I do the job and if I need any help that's where you come in remember that's what supervising is all about." Lucifer said being a smart ass.

" you are not prepared .  After all, this is your first case...this auction can be dangerous..the leader of this auction will definitely know that the detectives are on to him.  Which  means he might be expecting us tonight and if that's true then he might have guns and you could get hurt in the process. That's  why I need you to follow my instructions so that you can be safe on this case." Detective mill said to Lucifer.

" oh don't worry guns can't hurt me detective mill..I'm technically bulletproof this case will be so easy I'll finish it in no time, after all I am the devil, it's not easy to hurt me." Lucifer said confidently going into the auction.

"Oh god..not that phrase again." Detective mill said.

Both detective mill and Lucifer were undercover, so that they wouldn't be found out at the auction, they were now looking for the leader of this auction.

" you don't even know what the leader of this auction looks like, I didn't get the chance to show you..where are you going?" Detective mill said.

"I know where he is!!" Lucifer said having one of those hunches, she knew everything..after all she was the devil indeed.

"What? Wait come back!" Detective mill said  running after her.

But in know time Lucifer had found the leader and had him faced down on the floor and already in handcuffs.

"There you are and...with the leader..." detective mill said surprised and also impressed at how fast Lucifer was.

Detective mill had put the auction leader in the police car locking the door.

"How did you do that?" Mill asked Lucifer.

"Do what? My job? I told you I finished this case in no time." Lucifer said smiling.

" I didn't expect that from you this is your first case how are you so good at this? Even for your first time?" Detective mill said looking at her. " it was almost like you didn't even need my help at did this all by yourself." Mill said in amazement.

" you know it kind of feels great that I'm finally getting a compliment from you detective. after all I thought you hated me but it feels like you trust me now.."

" Woah there Lucifer, now you're just getting ahead of yourself I'm still suspicious about you, I'm maybe even a little more suspicous that I seen you in action on your first case there's definitely something strange about you and I can't put my finger on it but I'm going to find out." Detective mill said.

" oh please detective mill, I think you already know the strangest thing about me it's in fact my identity I'm Lucifer, that's the strangest thing of them me." Lucifer said waving and walking away.

"You don't need a ride?" Detective mill yelled as she watched her walk away.

"Nah I'm fine..I can get home." Lucifer said smirking. "She's kind of hot now that I think about it." Lucifer said to herself.

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