strange serial killer case.

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"Who does that woman think she is? disrespectful." The detective said sipping her coffee and walking into the precinct. "You okay you seem upset?" Josie's friend Roland asked.

"You'd never believe what just happened, I had this disrespectful encounter with someone outside, they didn't even apologize either..they just walked away, like nothing happened I mean people can be such assholes sometimes." Josie ranted.

"Girl just ignore them, honestly we can't give people like that attention." Roland said sighing, "anyway I just got the autopsy back.." Roland was Josie's best friend and she was also a detective at the precinct.

"So what does the report say?" Josie asked Roland. "It's just..strange's the same with the other autopsy reports for the other girls..they were murdered the same way with this knife, the killer we brought in yesterday keeps saying, she never meant to hurt them..she's now even going so far as to say the knife is controlling her that's crazy right?"

"I mean'd think a serial killer would be proud of their murders, she isn't denying she murdered these woman but she's saying how the knife made her do definitely sounds crazy but my question is why would she make up such a story? I mean at least make up a believable story..she didn't even try." Josie told Rowland.

"You think she's crazy? Or Maybe trying to plead insanity?" Rowland asked.

"I mean, maybe she's trying to plead insanity, I don't understand how it was so easy for her to get caught though, From my understandings of our other serial killer cases, they were harder to track down. It took time to find them so.. this case seems a little too easy like something is wrong." Josie told Rowland.

"Your definitely right, I can't put my finger on it though, what is wrong with the case? Why is it easy? It just doesn't add up." Rowland said.

"I'll get to the bottom of this case I promise you, for now just keep me posted..if there's anymore results from the forensic team okay?" Josie told her.

"Right okay..I'll let you know." Rowland told her going back to her work.

Meanwhile Josie tried to figure out more about this strange case, but also couldn't get her mind off of that strange woman earlier, she kept strangely popping up in her head.

'Who is that strange woman? Why am I thinking of her so much?' Josie thought to herself.

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