Chapter 2

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I finally arrive at the cafe. I am all wet from the rain but it isn't that uncomfortable for me. But I have to be honest I would prefer to be dry than have my clothes stick to my skin right now.

"My god. Daisy, where is your umbrella? It's pouring out there." Jimmy says with his usual worried tone, while he walks up to me. Not even really greeting me.

I raise an eyebrow, "Hey to you too, Jim." I smile and hug him. "I am fine, I promise. don't worry." I reassure him as he pulls away.

"No. What you are is drenched, you're going to get sick." his eyes examine me.

I roll my eyes annoyingly "I'm okay, believe me, old man." Jimmy gives me a stern look as he's pulling off my wet jacket.

I just shut up, not wanting to argue any longer.

"Just sit down, I'll bring you something warm." He orders. "I'll turn the heater on at your table and I'll get you a small blanket, I'll be right back."

"But-" I tried to protest but he cuts me off, "No ice coffee today, sorry kiddo. I'll make you a warm coffee. It'll be just as delicious."

I roll my eyes and sigh. 

Again. Concerned-Jimmy always treats me like a kid. I mean I'm greatful that he is worried for me but it can get out of hand sometimes. Whatever, I won't discuss anything because I am not a little kid.


After an hour of writing a few chapters and deleting them over and over again. I get a notification on my phone and on my laptop at the same time.
New message from Agent Valentina.

I let out a small groan. I don't want to open her message. I bet it's about having to finish the stupid book that's taking ages to finish.

I fall into my chair and lean my head on the edge of the chair.

You have to open it. Ignoring isn't an option, Daisy.
Well I hope, no, pray it's good news.
I open the message from my laptop and read her text. Please be good.

Valentina: Hey honey, I have great news! Bella went on a vacation and delayed the publish date. She just texted me it's someday in January. Isn't that awesome!? Anyway, good luck with the book. No need to stress, you got more time now. I believe in you, sweetie.
PS: Hope your're doing ok. Bye.

I start cheering quietly in my chair. Thank goodness for this.

Ever since Valentina found out my mom passed away she kind of got worried for me. She thought I was suicidal and that I wanted to end it all. After we had a few chats she loosened up about it, but sometimes I still catch her worry for me. And I appreciate it.

Anyways I am so happy I got more time now. To be honest I don't know if I would have actually finished it before new years. But no worries, I got more time now thanks to Bella, my publisher who helps me with the publishing of my books and discusses everything about that stuff with my team and Valentina.

I wish you the best vacation, B. Thank you.

I take a glance outside and it's already dark. How long have I been sitting here? I take another look inside of the café and I haven't noticed that there is only one other guy left. Though he isn't drinking or eating something, he's washing the tables. But wait a second.. I have never seen him here before and I know every employee of Jimmy's café. 

Hm, must be someone new. Weird, Jim never said anything about-

"Hey, you leaving now?" Jimmy appears from the restrooms.

I hope Jimmy didn't see me staring at his new employee. "Uh I- Yeah I was about to leave, I just wanted to say goodbye to you. So.." I nod and awkwardly put my hands in my pockets.

Jimmy raises his eyebrows like he's waiting for me to do something ...Oh! He's waiting for me to say goodbye. Of course, what am I still doing here?

I facepalm myself and chuckle, "Oh- yeah.. Bye and thanks for the coffee, Jim. Love ya!" I blow him a kiss and put on my jacket, finally leaving behind that situation.

That was embarrassing. Why am I acting so weird suddenly? Jim is probably wondering what the actual fuck that was. Even I am confused. Whatever, I just want to get home to my cat and get some sleep.

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