Chapter 14

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The clock is ticking. Doing it's job. Letting time pass. As I'm pacing through my apartment.

Elijah is still not here. He's probably still taking care of Jimmy. I still can't get over the fact that he called me Flower and comforted me when I cried.

My phone goes off. I read the notification, it says
"I'm on my way up to you now."

It's an unknown number but I know it's Elijah. I forgot to add him to my contacts.

I go toward my door and open it. I see Elijah on the stairs stopping when he sees me.

I give him a quick smile. He continues going up the stairs. I want to thank him, so I wait until he's in front of me.

When he's finally standing in front of me he rubs his neck.

My eyebrows draw together and I go in for a hug. "Thank you, Elijah.." I whisper into his chest, still hugging him tightly.

I feel his hands rubbing my lower back in a comforting way. "No problem, Flower. I'll always be here for you when you need me, never forget that." he reassures me, I'm not sure but maybe he's crying as well.

I sniff "Thanks. And thanks a lot for taking Jim to the hospital."

He pulls away from me and wipes my tears away while still smiling at me. His eyes are teary, "Even pretty when you cry. You're so fucking perfect." He brushes his thumb over my lips and his eyes grow dark. "Let's bring you inside." He takes me inside my apartment.

"Let me refresh myself in the bathroom for a second. Make yourself comfortable."

He gives me a quick nod.

I close the bathroom door and look at myself in the mirror. Oh my god. I look ridiculous. Wet cheeks, red eyes and snot coming from my nostrils. I don't even look close to perfect, I look more like disgusting. I wash my face with cold water and grab a towel and wipe my face with it. Much better. I put on some deodorant and put my hair in a messy bun.

I hear a knock on the bathroom door "You okay in there?"

I take a last glance at myself in the mirror and open the door. "Yeah, I'm fine."

His eyes lock with mine and he's blocking the door. "I ordered sushi."

How does he know I like sushi? Did Jimmy tell him? I stay silent.

"We have the same taste. Sushi is pretty delicious." His face is so close to mine again.

"Yeah it is. Erm, Elijah.. can I get out?"

With a grin on his face he moves to the side and follows me to the kitchen. I can feel his staring from behind.

I turn around when I arrive at the kitchen island. "So.. your letter."

"Yeah, I wanted to make it up to you by cooking for you but didn't quite work after what happened with Jim at work. If you're not okay with sushi I can still-"

"No it's fine. Sushi is fine. But I still want to taste your cooking another time." I tease.

He grins and tilts his head "For sure. I promise."

I shake my head ,,No. Pinky promise me.,,

He looks at me in confusion "Pinky promise? No of course not. What are we? 9?"

"Just do it." I hold my pinky up to him.

"No." He shakes his head refusing to do it.

I step closer to him "Do it." I look him straight in the eyes.

He laughs sarcastically and looks serious at me again "No, Daisy." I can feel him getting weak.

I step even closer so I'm right in front of him. Only a few inches away from his face. One inch closer to a pinky promise
"Come on. Please, for me?"

His hands are in fists and his jawline twitches.

I put my hand on his cheek. "Please Elijah." I whisper desperately.

"Daisy" I hear him whisper back.

I look down to his hands and touch them. "Give me your hands."

He loosens his fists.

"Now give me your pinky fingers. I beg you." Never have I begged so much like this.

He looks into my eyes and blinks at my words, he holds both pinkie's up and hooks them with mine. "Fuck. Happy Flower?"He looks groans.

"Yeah I'm happy, thank you, Elijah." a smile takes over my face.

He clenches his jawline hard "Say my name again."

"Elijah." I say. I smile at him.

His eyes go to the back of his head. "What are you doing to me?"

I bite on my lower lip slowly "I don't know. But do you like it?"

As he sighs, he nods "I think I do. I'm not sure." His hand travels lower until his hand grips my ass as he comes closer to my mouth.

I squirm under his touch. Only looking at him. Not saying anything.

He pulls away an inch before reaching my lips.

"Kiss me. I want it, Elijah." I close my eyes.

He leans to my ear, "Pull back one more time and I'll make you regret it, Flower."

Suddenly I feel his lips on mine. The kiss is slow and passionate. I feel like I can't breathe. I can't believe we're kissing right now. But I love it.

The doorbell rings. Ugh. I really fucking hate the sound now.

He cusses against my mouth and froces himself to pull away, looking pissed at whoever is ringing it.

"Did someone order Sushi? On the name Elijah Miral?"

"God damn it." He says frustrated. He pulls out his wallet and walks to the door. He looks back at me "Get into your room, we're continuing this. We are not even close to finished yet." He smiles before heading to the door again.

I turn around and blush. Gosh what was all that? I kissed him and now I'm going even further with him in my own bedroom. I like it but I'm nervous.

Elijah Miral, Elijah Miral, Elijah Miral... I repeat his name in my head, on my way to my bedroom.
It's going to be a long night.

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