Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the-

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Fukuro: *staring at his computer screen non-stop* ...


Fukuro: ...


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Kaeru: ... hmmm, yet... I can hear it, even though there ain't no sound at all... anyways, what is it?

Fukuro: mah guy's bwack!

Kaeru: that dude gave us another dare?

Fukuro: yyyyyep!

Kickit14: yep, this time the dare is. The Eeveelutions (now Eevees) will choose someone random, not knowing the challenge. When they're done, send them to a mirror maze the size of a cornfield. One is a chaser, the other a runner. Whoever wins gets their favorite item and the loser gets their least favorite.

Kaeru: say what now?

Fukuro: Eeveelutions. choose partner. we not tell them challenge after their partner choose. we send eeveelutions to cornfield-sized mirror maze. they play tag. one chase. one run. winner get good item. loser get bad item.

Kaeru: ... did you really have to do that in an ooga-booga language

Fukuro: yes

Kaeru: >:(

Tsuma: ok readers, the challenge for today is that the eeveelutions will split up into duos not knowing the challenge they are going to face, after the reveal of the challenge they must play manhunt with their partner. The manhunt will be taken place in a cornfield-sized mirror maze. the runner and chaser will be chosen randomly. The runner must find the exit before the chaser finds them and tag them with a custom build weapon, while the runner must reach the end before they get shot.

Kickit: yep, thanks for the more informative explanation

Tsuma: no problem

Kaeru: *sigh* ... anyways, let's get the Eevees!

Fukuro: all right- wait... where are we supposed to get a corn-field-sized mirror maze from?

Kaeru: *wants to say something but* ... I have no clue

Kickit: ... don't look at me, I'm just the one who's giving dares... also may I go home again?

Fukuro: yeah, just press that button near the PC

Kickit: good luck... you'll need it *poofs away*

Kaeru: well... the internet never does not have an answer so let's check that out!

*55 minutes later*

Fukuro & Kaeru: *braindead* ...

Kaeru: oh hey look... another one

Fukuro: 38th the charm...


Fukuro: NANI?!

{Abandoned Project}Eevee Randomnessss... or is it?Where stories live. Discover now