A Normal Morning?

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     Hii! This is my first fan-fiction! Please give me advice if you have any :). This is Middle School AU, Deku didn't start his training with All might yet . btw this has: swearing, gayness, and bad grammar. Ok im not gonna annoy you anymore-, on with the story.




-𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍


I wake up to my alarm with bright red numbers reading 6:03. 

Great, another treacherous day of middle school. I hesitantly get out of bed and  get dressed in my uniform. I made my bed with All might covers I had since I was 5. I grab my school bus yellow backpack and make sure I had everything. Now I just need one more thing. . . I grab my hero composition notebook and stuff it in with the rest of the books. I quickly fake a smile has I head downstairs.

" Hi honey! I made breakfast today!"

"Thanks mom!" I said as I sat down and ate my eggs with bacon.

I finish my breakfast and I soon head out the door.

~Time skip brought to you by my empty ramen cup~

just 10 more minutes until lunch, 10 more minutes until I have to hide in the bathroom so I dont get beat up by Kacchan and his friends. I was already lucky to not run into them when I was walking to school. Lets hope I can keep the luck streak going.


I quickly grabbed my things, I didnt feels like eating lunch today. So headed for the long way to the bathroom, nobody ever goes the long way. And it's quiet and peaceful.  I'll probably write hero notes or read a book in the bathroom stall

-𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕒𝕪'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Not even 2 seconds after the bell rang Extra#1 and Extra#2 were swarmed around me. blah blah this blah blah that. I dont even fucking care. 

Suddenly some shitty extra bumped into me  spilling ALL her fucking water.


" I'm so sorry Bakugo-kun I really didn't mean to-"

"Just fuck off before I blow you up" I was so damn pissed I could have killed her if it wasn't illegal

Then that fucking grape head ran off crying, why the fuck was she crying? I'm the one soaked with water here. That damn bitch.

" Dude that was a bit harsh ya'know" Extra#1 said as he tried to catch up to me.

" I dont give a fuck" I kept walking down the hallway without waiting for the fucking extras.

 I then walked into the closest bathroom, the damn stalls were dirty. I took off my soaking wet shirt. I didn't even have a fucking back-up.

Great now what?

-𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

I walked in the bathroom and went straight for my usual stall, I opened the stall door without thinking much and saw something very unexpected

KACCHAN?! And he was. . . shirtless?! I immediately felt blood rush up to my face. I didnt need to look at a mirror to know how red I was. I somehow managed to blurt out something though.

"I-IM s-SORRY ILL L-LEAVE-" I tightly shut my eyes and quickly turned around ready to leave. Oh god i'm so dead. I'm so dead. I'm so dead. I'M SO DEAD. Kacchan would definitely end me the next time he saw me. Heck me might end me right now! 

I was about to leave when I felt his hand grab my arm. His hand was warm, firm but comforting. But I knew that the same warm hand was going to end me.  This was it. . . I was going to die. I was so sure of it.


Lol its a clifhanger. IM FINALLY DONEEE (with the first chapter). My hands hurt from typinggg. If you have any ideas for the next chapter pls comment them. I really hope this gets some reads-. Yeah idk what to put here tbh.

639 WORDSSSS yey.

ok byeee :D-

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