WHAT is Kacchan thinking?!

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𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍 (kinda short)

No, no, no, no, no NO NO NO! WHAT DO I SAY NOW? WHAT CAN I SAY? All Kacchan is doing is staring at the bite marks! What is he thinking? Is he planning my murder or something?! I tried to push him away but then he firmly grabbed both my hands and pinned them to the wall too. All I do is stand there and I feel tears coming up to my eyes, and blood gushing up to my face. And I can't hide my face from Kacchan either. I just wanna go home!

𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕖'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

WHAT?! Where,what ,when, and how? WHOEVER DID THIS I WAS GOING TO KILL THEM.

" OI WHO DID THIS, SHIT NERD" Was I jealous? Who even would fuck Deku except me? DID I JUST THINK THAT?? Fuck it I had bigger problems than that right now.

"K-Kacchan it's better f-for both of us if you don't know, p-please" He whispered. WHAT THE FUCK? BETTER FOR ME NOT TO KNOW WHO FUCKED DEKU? THAT'S BULLSHIT.

" TELL ME OR YOUR GONNA REGRET IT." I practically screamed at his face, starting my explosions.

He was crying, and looked horrified. I dont think explosions are gonna work. I pin him harder to the wall. And I slowly inch closer.

"w-Wait KACCHAN!- FINE! FINE! I'll Tell you. . ." His screams faded to a wisper while he was still sobbing.

" i-it w-was . . . . . . .you" What. How the fuck-

"Explain." I said sternly, nothing made sense.

" u-um well a girl ran into you and then hit you with her quirk. . . and w-we didn't find out until the next morning. By then a lot had already happened that n-night. " 

"What was her quirk idiot" A making people drunk quirk or something?

"ummm. . . i-it was a f-forgetting q-quirk, y-you forgot everything you did in the past 24 hours. ."

Suddenly it came to me, the hoodie that was in my backpack that I never remembered buying, old hag's stupid trip where she wasn't supposed to be home, why Deku avoided me, Why the extras kept asking if I forgot something, why everything seemed off.

As much as I didn't want to believe it, it explained everything. And Deku isn't the type to lie about that shit.

WAIT SO I FUCKED DEKU? Damn I kinda wish I remembered that. Why do I keep thinking about these things?

"I'm s-sorry Kacchan"

What was he sorry for? Even if it happened the nerd would have no confidence so it was probably me who made the first move.

Wait did I force him to do it?! Oh shit. I could go to JAIL for that.

Then I glance at the nerd in front of me and realized I was starting at him like a fucking creep.

𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

What was Kacchan thinking? Did he hate me? Kacchan never sounded so calm other than that night, it was sort of creepy for him to say nothing for so long.

"oi nerd, I didn't force you to do it, did I?" Did he just say that is a CALM VOICE? I didn't know Kacchan could do that. Then I remembered what he just asked me. He genuinely looked concerned.

"o-oH No no no-, no you didn't force me" He looked at me weird, as if I said something.

I just realized I pretty much said I wanted to be fucked by him. . . I felt my face turn bright red. I wanted to hide but my hands were still trapped.

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