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I was about to leave when I felt his hand grab my arm. His hand was warm, firm but comforting. But I knew the same hand was going to end me. This was it. . . I was going to die. I was so sure of it.


𝕊𝕥𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

All I wanted was to go home and watch anime, why did my afternoon have to change like this?! Suddenly he pulled me back and pinned me against the wall, I tried to escape but his grip was way to strong. He had abs and muscles, really really hot, and- NO what was I thinking?! what is wrong with me?! I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the spiky hot blond in front of me to land his first punch. Wait . . .hot?! 

" OI DEKU, look at me"

I was too scared to move, I tried to move my head but my body refused. why now of all times?

"tch" he sounded annoyed, he was.

He grabbed my head and forced it up, revealing my blushing mess of a face.

"kaccha-" I had to start some dumb excuse to get out of this.

Before I could finish I felt warm soft spicy lips pressed against mine. My eyes shot wide open. Was this  happening? Am I dreaming? Is this HEAVEN? No. I definitely didn't feel dead. this was . . . . . real. My shirt-less crush was kissing me in the bathroom stall.

I closed my eyes and kissed back, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. I wrapped mine around his neck, I was standing on my tippy-toes. He continued to aggressively make out with me for 5 more minutes. I pulled away gasping for air, drooling. Kacchan was smirking at me as if he wanted to do somthing

" drooling over just a few kisses? You really are a damn nerd"

He pulled me back in, then something entered my mouth. I tried to push it out but he eventually won, he left no part of my mouth untouched. And he tasted like caramel. Then he slid my uniform off my shoulder. WAIT! WAIT! was I ready for that?! should I say something? Am I too young? Well it didn't look like Kacchan was waiting for permission, he squeezed my hand and pinned me harder. Ah fuck it, I know I really wanted this.

He left a hickey, and kept sucking on it. I was trying to hold in my moan, I didn't know how much longer I could hold it though.

𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕒𝕪'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Dammit. Why did Deku have to be so cute when he was a blushing mess? And what was he holding it in for? I sucked the hickey harder and. . . Deku let out a loud moan. He turned even redder. Damn. . . I wanted to hear that again. I sucked even harder and he let out an even louder moan.

" Ka-Kacchan, w-were at s-school" Deku mumbled

" I know, I know" I was annoyed.

Fuck I forgot we were at school, if a teacher caught us we would be in huge trouble. What now? I can't do it here. And I didn't have a back-up shirt to leave school with either. 

" OI Deku, you have a back-up shirt of somthing?"

" Um. . . well I do have a h-hoodie in my locker, its way to big for me but it might fit you?"

" yeah whatever, you just gonna stand there or are you gonna get it?"

" o-Oh ok-" he mumbled as he fixed his uniform and hurried out of the stall

Deku and his cute fucking ass.

𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

I hurried off to my locker to get the hoodie, i was still partly if disbelief of what just happend. I quickly entered the code, 0-4- 2-0 . I dug through a few hero notebook until I got to the hoodie. I grabbed it and shut my locker, I hope i'm not taking too long. I hurried back to the bathroom stall.


"Still here nerd, you got the hoodie?"

"u-um yeah"

He unlocked the door and let me in. I handed him the navy-blue hoodie. He stared at me for a few second. And then I realized I had butterflies this entire time. The hoodie fit Kacchan perfectly. When I wore it, it came down to my knees.

" oi deku, you coming over to my house"

" h-HUH? but is auntie ok with that?"

" its fine my parents are gonna be out of town until tomorrow afternoon."

"o-ok ill text my mom"


Izuku: hey mom! im going over to kacchan's house today

inko: Ok honey! Its been a while since you two hung out! Have fun

Izuku: thank you mom!

[End of Texting]

~ Time skip brought to you by my stupidity~ (their at bakubabe's house)


Idk what to write-. 889 words! There might be smut next chapter 😏 

for anyone who wants to know about my personal life:

Unfortunately, my summer break is over😭. And I had to 7th wheel ( 3rd wheel for 3 couples) with one of them being my bsf and her gf-. And they yelled at me that I need to date somebody but I don't bc I already have like 7 exs. i threw a soda at some random person on the street bc my bsf dared me to-. AND I got some pride stickers :D . but yeah thats about it-.

btw any pronouns

 bye simps!






my hands hurt

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