He'll forget EVERYTHING?!

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𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍


A loud voice intruded into my sleep. I woke up to a flash of bright light flooding my vision. Wait, this wasn't my room. This was Kacchan's house. And I was wearing. . . NOTHING?! Wait WHAT happened last night?! 

"k-Kacchan-what happened last n-night?!" then I realized, why was he shirt-less again? It's not that I dont like it it's just that-

" You lost your virginity and I lost mine, damn nerd" He interrupted my thoughts. 

It took me a while to process what he just said. What did he mean by that-?



 Then it hit me. 

WAIT WAIT so we did IT last night?! And HOW did he say it so calmly? I lost my virginity? 

"Hurry up were gonna be late, fucking nerd" He said right before he headed into the bathroom. 

Well as much as I was in disbelief of what happened, Kacchan was right, I still needed to get dressed for school. As I was getting dressed I realized, my body was covered with bite marks, hickeys, and dried blood. Damn did we really go that hard? I finished getting dressed and headed down stairs. Kacchan was making breakfast downstairs. It smelled so good!

~Time skip after breakfast - brought to you by my lazy ass~

Kacchan can cook so well! The breakfast tasted so good! When did he learn how to cook like that? Everything I tried to cook always ended up burnt or setting off the fire alarm.

" Oi nerd, we still have time until we have to leave" Kacchan said

He pinned me to the wall and then I felt warm lips pressed hard against mine. I put my arms around his neck as he gripped my hair. We continued for 7 minutes until both of us pulled away gasping for air, I was drooling. Kacchan gave me a smirk and slipped my uniform off my shoulder, and started sucking my neck, leaving hickeys where there weren't already.

"w-wait k-Kacchan we h-have school-" We couldn't continue, we have school! 

𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕖'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Dammit right we had school. 

"fine." Why couldn't it be the weekend? I just wanna fuck Deku. We both grab our backpacks and start walking to school.

~Time skip to lunch time, brought to you by my terribly large crush on a real(yes not an anime character) human~

" Hey Bakugo-san, umm I need to tell you something" It was fucking grape head from yesterday. What did she want now?

"Well are you just gonna stand there? Hurry up I dont have all fucking day" 

" Umm, I think I used my quirk on you by accident-" SHE DID WHAT NOW?


"I-IM so sorry!" yeah her stupid sorry didn't matter to me.

" Shut the fuck up and start explaining what your stupid quirk dose before I blow you to hell" 

"W-well you'll forget e-everything that happened since I bumped i-into you y-yesterday, I really am sorry Bakugo-kun" EVERYTHING? like last night, Deku? Hell will I forget my first kiss? My first time? Then I saw Deku, he looked like he was on the verge of tears. FUCK DAMMIT. I couldn't run after him.

"Fucking extra" I barged off in the same direction as nerd, I was fucking absolutely pissed off. 

I was in a quiet hallway. Then I saw the nerd I was looking for down the hallway, he was walking into a bathroom. 

Middle school AU BakuDekuWhere stories live. Discover now