Kacchan's house

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* contains: swearing and smut*


𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Once we got to Kacchan's house we both went up to his room. It looks different from when i was last here. His bed-sheets were black and his room was so clean. Of course it was clean, it was Kacchan's room. We both plopped down our backpacks, I sat on the bed while Kacchan made his way over to the closet.

" Oi nerd you gonna change?" Kacchan said while we opened his closet

" Umm. . ." I wasn't sure if I wanted to or not, but before I could decide he threw a pair of black shorts and a red hoodie at me. And Kacchan was wearing black sweat pants and was shirt-less. Wait how did he change so quickly? I felt me face turn red again, was he not gonna put on a shirt? I don't wanna say anything though. God he really needs to stop being shirt-less, It's gonna kill me one day.

" You like what you see?" Kacchan intruded my thoughts

I realized I was staring at shirt-less Kacchan the whole time, my face was as red as a tomato. I buried my face in my hands. Kacchan did one of his iconic dirty smirks. I quickly raced off to the bathroom to change. The shirt was big on me, it almost covered my shorts. When I got back Kacchan started to laugh.

" Your so tiny and short" he continued to laugh

"k-KACCHAN! thats mean!" I cried, I didn't choose to be born this height!

" Yeah yeah, whatever nerd. Wanna watch a movie?"

" Yeah! I heard a new one came out!"

𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕖'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Damn he can be so cute it could kill somebody, it should be illegal to be this cute! I plopped on the bed next to him and turned on the tv. He was already blushing, damn it was so easy to make him blush. I pulled the blanket over both of us.

" What about this one?" I pointed to a movie, his eyes lit up like a fucking nerd.

" Yeah! That one looks good!" He snuggled closer to me. damnit that was FUCKING CUTE-

~Time skip after the movie, brought to you by my  unholy bakugo poster~

𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Kacchan's chest was so nice and warm. I wish we could stay like this forever. Kacchan turned off the tv and then turned to me, I gave him one of my iconic big smiles, I felt warm and fuzzy inside. I loved it. . .

 * skip this part until you see the next time skip if you want to stay innocent*

Then he pinned me against the bed. I couldn't escape. 


Before I said we were at school but I didn't have any excuse now. Was I ready for this? Before I could finish my thought I felt the familiar warm lips meet mine, pressing hard. He squeezed my hands, I could barely move. I felt something enter my mouth , touching every part. we continued for 6 -ish minutes until Kacchan pulled away, both of us gasping for air. Again I was drooling and blushing insanely.

𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕖'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Damnit. He looks so fuckable right now. His fuckable ass, and his fuckable face and . . . wait. What's stopping me? Old hag and old man wont be home tonight, theirs nobody except us in this house right now. I then look at the nerd between my hands, he's drooling like a dog. oh tonight is gonna be fun.

 I slid my hand up his shirt and played with his nipple, then I took it off. Nerd looks so fucking weak, can he even take 1 round? 

"w-Wait Kacchan-" He started turning pink.

I start sucking his neck leaving hickeys, it looks like nerd is holding it in. I suck even harder.

" k-Kacch- " before he could finish he let out a loud moan. Damn I needed to hear that again.

I took off everything except my boxers and nerd did the same. We made out for 5 more minutes before I took my boxers off and deku followed. He was a blushing mess, we just started!

Deku started sucking the tip at a slow pace. He could go faster than that. I jerk his head towards me, partly choking him. I hear him cough. He starts going the full length. He lets go to take a breath. I pick him up and dump him on the bed. I start licking his neck,  then bite. Then another bite and another. 

I position my tip over his hole and start slowly.  I start to speed up as Deku starts moaning louder.I go faster, and faster. His legs were getting weak.

"Daddy~ faster" DAMN where did that confidence come from? I didn't know nerd was even capable of saying that. I speed up even faster.

"K-Kacchan im about to-" I feel my walls paint white. 

~Time skip brought to you by my shitty writing skills- after 3 more rounds~

We both tiredly lay down next to each other as I pulled the blanket over us. We both fall asleep quickly.


Yall I pretty much died from writing this chapter-. I fell so unholy. 

word count: 888 words YEYYY

I know I have shitty writing ok, dont comment on it 😭

More personal life: Umm tbh nothing happened except I think I have an eating disorder-.  And my math teacher gives me way too much homework, so UM THATS JUST GREAT 👍

bye simps!







this chapter took me forever

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