Just until they are gone. . .

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()= you wonderful author's stupid comments

*lots of swearing*


𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

I overheard Kacchan's friends say that he had 4 hours until it happened. I really didn't want to avoid Kacchan. But if Kacchan were to forget everything in the middle of a make out session, I would be dead meat. I looked at my watch, he only had 3 minutes until he will forget. Only 3 minutes until the old bully Kacchan was back. But I couldn't let him see any of the marks he left on me last night. Just until they are gone. . . But how long would that be? I looked at my watch again. by now the old Kacchan was probably back.

Now i'm the only one who remembers what we did.

I was walking home when i heard the very voice that struck fear to my heart, the voice I oh so desperately didn't want to run into right now.

" OI FUCKING NERD." his voice was so full of anger. I didn't even look behind me.

I just started running home. I could NOT let him see the marks. As long as these marks were here, things couldn't go back to normal. I hurried home and slammed the door shut. I was safe now. Then my eyes immediately went to the bright yellow note on the fridge. I put my back pack down , and took off my shoes. Then I went toward the note.

Hi honey,

I'm going to be working late tonight. I hope you can cook for yourself tonight, I will be back by tomorrow morning. Please take care of yourself.

Love, Mom

Well I guess I'm on my own tonight. To be honest that's kind of good because mom won't be there if I have a break down or something. Last thing I want is to explain what happened with Kacchan to her. I take my backpack upstairs and I look for my Hero composition book. But instead I find something else. . . Kacchan's shirt. I smile to myself as I change from my uniform to his shirt, it smelled exactly like him. I didn't have anything underneath. I was never gonna wash it. At least as long as it had Kacchan's scent. It was so comforting.

I started crying, the fact that I'd never be able to have a night like that with Kacchan again. . . Never hear him laugh about my height, never watch a movie with him again. Before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep, and it was only like 5 pm.

𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕙𝕠𝕖'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Why the fuck did deku run away like that? Did he think he was better or something. That fucking asshole. Well I was gonna teach him a lesson next time I see his cute fucking ass. cute?! I needed to stop thinking that shit. I opened my front door to see old hag washing the dishes.

"OI BRAT, You're finally home?"

"Yeah what dose it look like?"

"You keep giving me that attitude and I will drag you ass to hell"

Old hag was so fucking annoying. Wait wasn't she and old man supposed to be out of town?

" Aren't you supposed to be out-of-town today?"

" What do you mean? That was yesterday! Dumb brat!"

What did she mean yesterday?! She didn't even leave the house yesterday! I stormed upstairs and dropped my backpack on my bed. UGH! Then I saw a navy blue hoodie spill out. What the fuck? When did I fucking put that there? When did I even buy that?! Well I guess it smelled really good, so I put it on along with some black sweat pants.

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