wait. . . WHAT?!

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𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Now what? I have a drunk Kacchan collapsed on my shoulder. This can't end well. But I can't just leave him here! I guess my best bet is to take him to my house. There was a guest room that Kacchan could sleep in, i'll just sleep on the couch.

"oI dEkU, leTs fUcK" Kacchan's voice intruded my thoughts. WAIT DID HE JUST SAY- no he was drunk. I wish he was sober when he said that...NO! This guy broke your heart twice! I can't possibly like him after he even pretty much rejected me!

I dragged Kacchan all the way to my house, every 5 minutes he would say something disturbing, but I knew he was just drunk. he would never mean those things.

Once we got to my house , I took off his shoes and mine and dragged him up the stairs. Who knew Kacchan was so heavy?! Once I got to the guest bedroom I put him on the bed.

"Kacchan, I think it's best if you sleep it off" I said.

"nOoOooO, sLeEP with me!!" 

"Kacchan I can't, that would be inappropriate" Yeah right? Sleep with him after he rejected me?

" WHYYYYyyyyy dEkU I love you, please stay!!" He started to complain like a toddler. Did he say he loved me? And ask me to stay. 

"Well, will you sleep if I do?" I mean if it helped him sleep, it couldn't hurt right?

"YeaH!" before i could answer he pulled me into the bed with him. And then pinned me against the bed. WHAT? HOLD UP-. I can't do this! HES DRUNK! AND HE REJECTED ME TODAY! Did he forget he did that? Then I looked up at Kacchan, who was smirking at me.

Then he took off his shirt, revealing his abs, damn he was so hot. . . . . . it couldn't hurt, right?

I grabbed his collar and pulled him closer, until warm lips touched mine. Then he entered my mouth wrapping his tongue around mine. He wrapped his fingers around both my hands and pinned them to the bed. We made out for 10 more minutes until I pulled away gasping for air. He started to suck on my neck while his hand entered my pants, he started to rub his palm against my crotch. I started letting out little moans. Then he licked my neck and bit it. 

Then he removed everything except my shirt. He started to unbutton his pants. Revealing it, I forgot how big it was! He turned my around and pinned my hands down. Then I felt him enter me, thrusting back and forth slowly. Then he went his whole length and went faster, I started letting out loud moans. He went even faster, I felt my legs grow very weak, and my spine wanted to curl up. As much as it felt good it also hurt.

"K-KACCHA-N! s-stOP!" I managed to yell out with loud moans in between.

He smirked and then just went faster and faster. I yelled out a loud moan. He went on for 20 more minutes, my legs started to really hurt.

"d-DADDY p-PLEA-SE" I tried to yell again. He finally slowed down, then me picked me up and plopped me on his lap. He took off my shirt, I was just staring at his abs. I wrapped my hands around his neck, he pulled me into a kiss as he started rubbing my crotch again. Then he pulled away from the kiss and started to suck my neck, leaving hickeys and bite marks everywhere. 

"New nickname? huh?" Wait what did he mean? Then I realized what I had called him.

"I..umm" I didn't know what to say

" Call me it again" HUH?! What! No! . . . 


" Please puppy~" The way he said it sent a flood of butterflies to my stomach.

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