what a "no" can do

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𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕒𝕪'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

~The next day (It's the weekend)~

I woke up to sunshine filling my room. Great, today I said i'd go to that stupid club with the extras. Well that wasn't until 9 pm. I looked at the clock, it was 1 pm. Old hag must have been out shopping or something, if she was home she'd already wake me up by 7 am. I looked out of my window just to make sure, the car was gone. I was home alone! Finally some peace! I changed into sweat pants and was too lazy to put on a shirt. The rest of my morning was pretty normal.

~ at 4pm~

I was on a walk, listening to music. It was pretty peaceful.

I looked forward to see something green before whatever it was turned the corner. wait. . . WAS THAT DEKU? Why do we keep running into each other! UGH!

𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Was that KACCHAN?!

Who knows what stupid thing he is gonna pull on me next? Was he playing with me? Did he actually even like me? I would ask him eventually, just not soon. Then I saw a spiky blond turn the corner, finding me mumbling.  And once again he pins me to the wall, this should be normal by now but every time somehow I am still surprised and flustered. 

" So you're tryna hide from me, nerd?" He started taunting me before he cupped my face in is hands. Then he yet again kissed me, pressing his lips against mine. He tasted spicy, really spicy. Was he playing with me again, did he mean this kiss? Then I pulled away from the kiss, a string of saliva between us.

"k-Kacchan d-do you. . love me?" He started at me, Kacchan just looked surprised. I shouldn't have asked him that!


"No" my heart dropped, and my eyes were about to explode into waterfalls.

"I was just playing with you, damn nerd" he said with a bland, heart-less tone.



" oh" is all I could say. I didn't know what to say. 

I walked as fast as I could to turn the corner and then burst out crying. I couldn't see clearly, my head started to hurt. WHY ME? OF COURSE HE PLAYED WITH ME! He didn't care, he never will. was it just me who would never stop chasing after him?! Was I just meant to admire him from afar? Why did he choose me to play with? Because I was weak? Because I love him? Was it my fault I love him? Why?! Why do I have these stupid feelings? And for Kacchan? I was heartbroken for the same person twice.

𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕒𝕪'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

 Why'd I have a fucking ache in my chest? Saying no should have made it all go away! What if I did love him? NO! Not with that fucking nerd in a billion years. I'll worry about this later, I said I would go to the stupid bar with the extras. I wasn't gonna tell them but it's my first time driking alcohol. Old hag and old man are on a stupid date anyway. It was 5:32 pm, I still had time. I guess I'll just play video games.

~ At 9:00 (Bakugo is already ready for the bar)

I heard a knock on the door. Must be those extras. I wish I never agreed to this. I wonder how they are gonna sneak us in. Probably got a fake id or some shit. I opened the door to see the idiots look like they were on a fucking high.

"BRO! We got a fake ID!!" Come on!" Extra #1 screamed at my face even though I was right next to him.

"YEAH YEAH SHUT UP!" I said walking to the black Tesla car. Extra #2 got an Uber for us, because we couldn't have our parents drive us there. The car ride was just the extras blabbering on about shit. When we got there, flashing in my face were bright neon lights. I saw a few of our classmates also sneak in using fake IDs. And soon as we got in there there was booming music, people screaming, dancing, drinking, and doing all sorts of weird shit. Damn they weren't lying when they said the security here was shit. A five-year-old could sneak past the security guard.

As soon as we got in the other students from our school were swarming us, offering drinks, gossip, shady deals, and ect. I wasn't all that much into the gossip so I went straight for the drinks.

~ After bakuhoe had 7 bottles and got dropped off to a street close to his house by an Uber driver.~

𝔻𝕖𝕜𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

Mom wasn't home again. And I was crying in my bedroom all day. My eyes looked so puffy and red when I looked in the mirror. Maybe I'll just go outside, and get some fresh air. That would help get my mind off him.

I grabbed my phone and the keys and headed out. I was wearing a black hoodie and sweat pants. And my eyes weren't that puffy anymore. I made sure I locked the door before I started walking. It was dark, but calm. The wind blew my hood off, it was cold.

 I wonder what job mom is working right now. The last time she came home was this morning. But it was only for a few hours, she grabbed some documents and made us lunch. For the past few days she had to stay in a few different cities so she stayed in some hotel rooms for the nights. 

Then my thoughts were intruded as I heard yelling down the street. I tried to make out who it was but it was very dark. . . it looked like blond hair. . . and male. . . KACCHAN? Wasn't he always asleep by 8:30? Did he really skip his bedtime? And then all the bad memories came flooding back in. What did he want now? To taunt me more? He walked closer to me until he collapsed on my shoulders. Wait a minute. . . he smelled like ALCOHOL?

"Kacchan are you drunk?!" Wasn't he under-age?!

"n-nO, stUpId cUte dEkU" He was definitely very very drunk. Also did he just call me CUTE?! No that's just because he's drunk.

What the heck was I going to do with a




drunk kacchan


1072 words! :D

my most recent emojis: 😏📸🤩🦋💍👍😭🧡💚

Personal shit: I have shitty parents-. And I have a math test tomorrow 🥲.

Bye my amazing bitches 






I hate tests 

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