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Levi looks strangely relaxed as he leads you on the streets. He carries two huge packs of food from the market, while you hold your only suitcase.

He's not a talkative one, but you don't force him to be. To tell the truth, you're still wondering why you accepted his offer.

Maybe because I don't have anyone left. I don't want to stay alone.

And I want to hear what was all this about.

I can't really recall anything from my childhood, from before the day I met Benedict. But I was already around ten that time.

I never expected to find out about more, but maybe this man truly has something to tell me.

And I've heard so much about Erwin Smith and Hange Zoe. The Titan Freak and Commender Eyebrows, as the others called them.

And Humanity's Strongest Soldier. The three most promising of the Scouts.

Levi glances back at you and you try to form a smile on your face. This seems to be enough for him, the silver eyes wander back to the buildings.

You trip accidentally as you keep looking at his hair a second more than you should have.

The man looks at you again and takes a deep breath, but lets it go with a roll of his eyes.

You turn slightly red, and walk to his side again when he waits for you. The evening slowly falls over the walls, shadows lengthen the edge of darkness.

The sky turns into a mix of warm colours that paints his skin a rose-like tan. His-

"You haven't changed much," he says, and you bite your inner cheek not to answer as he interrupts your thought. "I remember you being clumsy."

"I'm not clumsy," you protest, and Levi sighs.

"It's not a bad thing."

"How much do you know about me?" you ask, but the man avoids your gaze.

"Not much," he whispers. "But it feels a lot for me. I'll tell you everything after I've found the right words."

"You're weird."

"You too."


"For coming with a weird man like me," he answers, and stops opposite a white house, with the usual dark wooden edges.

It looks like every other in the city, just the windows are full flowers, capturing the eyes of all the by-stollers.

It isn't like the house you imagined those three to live in.

"Edelweiss," Levi says after following your gaze. You shiver as you hear the name, your chest suddenly feels heavy. A sparkle of hope runs up on his face, but it fades when you shake your head to drive away the strange feeling. He lifts his leg and opens the door with his foot, both his hands are full. "Go ahead."

"A kicking type of person, are you?" you ask back.

"Excuse you?" he growls, his voice running slightly high.

"Nothing," you murmur, waiting for him to come inside, anxiously standing from one foot to another.

Levi notices it, and lifts a brow, the raven-hair winces as he shuts the door.

"You look like you've shitted yourself," he states, and you turn bright red in embarrassment. "Don't worry. There's nothing dangerous in this house, if you don't see a blue flag at the outside."

"Like the one we just passed?" you turn to him, pointing at the little piece of fabric that's visible through the window.

Levi's eyes widen with terror and he drops everything to the ground, then jumps to you and pushes you away roughly.

Edelweiss [Levi Ackerman × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now