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When you wake up in the morning, he's long gone. The blanket is perfectly set at the side where he was, not a single wrinkle appears.

You scowl as you remember last night, as he tried to comfort you.

His hands moving slowly, barely touching your hair, like he's afraid of scaring you or himself away.

When you want to go to find Levi, you return to make the bed completely, not to upset his little world.

Then, you close the door and rummage through your only suitcase to find a new set of clothes.

You spot a long, beautiful lilac dress, tucked into the corner of your bag.

It was Hannah's present for you, for the wedding of her and Benedict. It would have been a week after the last mission, when she died.

Now that you think about it, Benedict was gone that day. You tremble from this thought, your lips open slightly as you pant for air against the pressure that grows stronger around your heart again.

This suffocating, powerful feeling of grief and sadness.

You push your forehead to the dress, the soft lace tickles your face. A wee necklace is tied to its sleeve.

Benedict carved it for you to wear at the wedding, a little wing made of pearl white stone.

You hold back your breath and fold the piece of cloth, packing it into a leather bag that feels so rough for such a delicate thing.

You throw down your pajamas and change to your uniform, then head downstairs.

The tea-kettle's weak shriek reaches your ear, so you hurry up to pass the kitchen door as fast as you can-

"Oi, you want to go out in slippers?" shouts Levi after you, and you freeze with embarrassment as you look down.

Maybe I shouldn't have hurried this much.

You run your hand through your hair, and take a deep breath, then throw down the leather bag with the dress and the necklace, go to the kitchen, sitting down at Erwin's usual place, subconsciously trying to be closer the man who hustles with something at the stove.

He doesn't look at you, and doesn't ask where you wanted to go.

You jitter for a few minutes without making any progress, before your mind calms down from the state which almost sprit you out of the house.

You look out at the leather bag patiently waiting at the doorstep of the kitchen, a promise of future pain.

"Can I have a cup of tea?" you ask silently, and you literally see goosebumps run over his upper arm, under the carefully rolled up sleeve of his shirt.

Levi puts down the pan from his hand, and you see a glimpse of the evolving pancakes when he reaches for the perfectly placed cups beside the sink.

As he gives you the cup, he avoids your gaze just like all in these days, but his skin touches yours for a bit more time than what would be necessary.

He turns around again, taking out the scarily round pancakes. You sip from the tea and he sits down opposite you.

"Want some?" he asks, pointing at his breakfast.

You're too lost in thoughts to answer, just nod without actually understanding the question.

"The flour is on the lowest shelf," he continues, taking a bite. You snap back to reality and blink at him, to which he lifts a brow. "What?"

Edelweiss [Levi Ackerman × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now