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3 weeks later from the last chapter.

Scarlett's POV:
I'm laying on the middle of the floor with clothes all around me. We are going on tour tomorrow and I still haven't packed. And my room is a mess.

It's about 10 so I need to sleep soon so I'm not dying tomorrow but I will call Nathan before I go to bed. I take my phone and call Nath.

"Hey." I hear what he says but can only see his neck.

"What are you doing?" I ask and place the phone in a good place so it doesn't tilt but I don't need to hold it either.

"I'm brushing my teeth." He says and looks up at me he has toothpaste all around his mouth. And I giggle a little bc he has some on his chin.
"What are you laughing at?"

"You have some there," I say and point to my chin. He laughed and looks himself in the mirror.

"When are you taking on tour?"

"Tomorrow you dumpass," I say. I have been talking about how much I'll miss him for the past month. And how we will not be able to hold our anniversary.

"Scar I mean what time tomorrow! I wanna come to say goodbye."

"At around 10 so I need to wake early bc I haven't packed yet..."

"Cool. I come at around 9 if that's okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Scar!" I hear my mom scream from her room.

"Oh shit. Be quiet!" I hide Nath under a blanket and as my mom walks angrily into the room. "Scar you need to be quiet! I'm trying to sleep and I can't sleep when you gotta be up all night with you booooooyfriend." She says.

"Stop being jealous," I say and giggle a little. I know she is angry for fun she would never be angry for talking to people at night. Well maybe sometimes but now with Nathan right now.

She giggles and kisses me on the cheek. "Don't go to bed too late! Okay?"

"Okay." I say "I love you." My mom leaves the room and I take Nath up from the Blanket again.

"I should probably go it's getting late," I say.

"Yeah. Me too." We blow a kiss goodbye.

I take my PJ on and go to bed.

Next morning.

I wake up to my alarm. It's literally the worst thing to wake up to not gonna lie. And sit up and then lay back down again. I'm not really ready for waking up. But I need to so I sit up again.

I look at the floor and remember why I need to wake up early. I sign and stand up. I walk out to the bathroom and take a fast shower. I find a fast comfy outfit bc we are just going to drive all day.

I find my suitcase and put it in the middle of the floor and put all my close in it. I take a little smaller suitcase and put all my shoes in it. We are going to be away for a long time and I wanna be fashionable. I take another suitcase and put all my other stuff in it.

I walk down to the entrance and with each suitcase and place them there. My mom already has four suitcases down here. I wonder how many more there will be. My mom's stylist already has the clothes she needs to wear at the concert ready on the bus already.

"You want some breakfast?" I hear my mom say at the door to the entrance. I turn to see her. "Yes, that would be nice. Oh yeah and Harry is coming at 9 nine."

"Okay then you need to eat fast it's like in 5 minutes."

"Okay." I run into the kitchen and a plate with breakfast is already for me. "Hmmm, this looks delicious, Mom!" She smiles and sits down in front of me.

"How is it going with Nathan?" My mom asks.

"It's going fine..." I say "I really like him." She smiles at me "he seems nice." A knock on the door disturbs our conversation.

"Well, I guess that is him!" I say and run out to the door. I look in the mirror before I open the door. Idk really care how I look I just don't want any food around my mouth.

I open the door and there the green-eyed boy from my class is standing. I smile as I see him. He is just so beautiful. "Hey." He says and kisses me on the mouth. He walks in and hangs his jacket with the others.

"I'm going to miss it," I say as we follow each other into the kitchen. My mom sits down and follows us with her eyes. She smiles.

"Mom?" She looks up at me "huh yeah I'll leave. Remember the bus will be here a little in 10 we need to drive at exactly 10!" I nod and she leaves.

He kisses me "is that your breakfast?" He asks and points at it. "Yeah. You want it?" He smiles childishly and takes the plate over to him and eats it.

"You haven't eaten this morning?" I ask

"Yes I have, but I'm always a little hungry!" He says and I giggle.

"Well, I have some news!" He says and stops eating. "My grandparents invited me over at their place in Vega and bought tickets to your mom's concert there."

"OMG, no way! We gotta meet after! Or maybe I can get you backstage?" He laughs, "it could be nice if I met after!" I kiss him.

After around 30 minutes of talking about what we should do in Vega together. My mom walks into the kitchen. "The bus is here." She says "okay."

"We walk out to the entrance and Pete helps someone else with taking our suitcases out to the bus.

I turn to look at Nathan. "Goodbye!" I say and give him a big hug. I kiss him while having my arms around his neck standing on my toes cus he's taller than me.

"Goodbye... see you in Vegas!" He says and kisses me one last time. I smile and I follow him out of the door. I wave bye as he drives to school.

I smile sadly while seeing him driving away. "So that Nathan?" I hear Pete say beside me. "Your mom talked a lot about him."

I look up at Pete "really? What did she say?"

"Well, she just said he was really sweet and she hopes he was good for you." I smile and he follows me into the bus.

My mom is already sitting in it ready for it to drive. I sit beside her and lay my head on her shoulder.

Well, that was that chapter... hope you gays liked it... I think the next chapter is going to be in Vegas... but IDK!! Anyway bye bye!!!

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