Spy kid

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Scarlett POV:
Nathan takes himself out of me.
How can I be so stupid? I haven't been taking my birth control since I have been in the hospital, and I just had sex with no protection.
I Push Nathan, so he walks away from me, and I jump down from the table. I take my pants on again and walk out the door. I don't care that Nathan may not have his on yet.
"Hey, where are you going?" He asks in a panic way. I almost run out of the restaurant. I'm not sure if Nathan followed. But I took his jacket with me. I source for the car keys.
I find his phone.
And there his keys are. I open the car and take a seat in the driver's seat.
I may not know how to drive but mom has tried to lean me, Buuuuuut.
I turn on the car and try to drive out of the restaurant's driveway.
I then see Nathan run out of the building. His hair is a mess and he is yelling at me.
I put the speeder down and drive out, away from the restaurant and Nathan.

I park the car a little away from the house. I'm going to say that Nathan sat me off a little away cuz I wanted to walk.
I then walk the rest of the way, I take my high heels off and walk with them in just hand. The stone on the ground is hurting my feet, but it makes me think of something else than what just happened.

I'm sure I look like a mess, cuz I cried on the way home and my makeup is probably smushed all out. Mom will probably not believe me if I say I'm okay, but I'm going to say it anyway.

I walk through the driveway, and all the stones under my feet's my neck say a little ow every time I step down.

I focus on my feet and make sure I don't step on the sharp stones. But then I hear the door open.
"OMG SWEETHEART." I hear mom yell from the door and run out to me. "Why didn't Nathan drive you home?" She asks with a little betrayal in her voice.
"He did, but I wanted to walk the rest, I needed some fresh yeah, it's fine."
"Are you sure?" She put her arms around me and squeezes me a little closer to her.
"Sure!" I say and giggle a little to make her believe in me.
She smiles and kisses the side of her head, but the smile isn't so true. I can feel how she knows there is something wrong. And she for sure will know if Nathan comes angry back.

I kiss my mom good night and run up to my room. I reach down for my purse.
I forgot it in the car.
Fuck fuck fuck.
I walk over to my window and look out. Maybe I can crawl out and run back to the car. Before I crawl out of the window I lock the door to my room so mom wouldn't burst in while I'm gone.

I open the window and place my bare feet on a solid place on the roof.
If I just walk over to the trash can I can step down on that and run t into the bushes and from there run to the car.
I go down on all fours when I crawl across the roof.

I beg to god that no one sees me, it would be so embarrassing.
I quietly step down on the trash can, but with a little struggle.
As soon as I'm on the trash can I dump off and run into the bushes hoping no one saw me.
I from here crawl until I'm at the end of the driveway. I can feel how stones and mud dig into my knees and palms. I bite my lip to lower the pain a little.

As soon as I'm out of the bushes I stand up and brush the dirt off my knees and palms.
I run carefully to the car, trying not to step on any sharp things or stones.
The car keys are in my pocket. I open the car when I'm at it.
I open the front door, and source for my purse. As soon as I have my purse I run back to the house. The same complicated way back in as out.

There's is a little struggle when I need to get up on the roof again from the trash can.
I just need to use my arms muscle, I don't have. I'm just about to give up when I suddenly find a good place to place my foot and can then push myself up on the roof again.

When I'm inside again, I fall down on the bed, and text Nathan.

Scarlett: 'sorry abt the car, it's parked a little away from the house. Please don't tell my mom abt this!!'

He doesn't answer me, just leave me on read. What a dick move, but I was also a dick for leaving, with the car...

My knees are a little itchy. The same with my palms. My eyelids are heavy and ready to sleep.
But I can't sleep.
I had sex without protection.
I'm probably pregnant again. Mom would think that I'm trying to get pregnant.

But I'm not...


A/N: sorry for not updating for a long, I have just not known what to write about or what was the best for the story, bc I really want to make an ending to this story since I feel like I'm writing the same things over and over again to keep the story exciting!!! But I still hope you guys like it!!!


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