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Scarlett POV:
It's been 4 days since I got home from the tour and I'm already starting school. I'm looking up at the ceiling, I take my pillow and put it over my head. I wanna sleep. I don't want to go back to all these people and sit down at my desk listening to a stupid teacher there knows half of the class is about to fall asleep, but keeps going. I don't really understand, like why they don't find something fun to do so the student's brains get motivated and they actually listen.

I sit up and look around my room. The blinds are still down so my room is still pretty dark. I stand up and open the blinds and squeeze my eyes as the sun comes in. I look at the time, Nathan said he would pick me up 15 minutes from 9. It's 6:30 so I take a fast shower and find a pretty outfit and some pretty makeup. After I walk down to the kitchen. Food is standing on the table but my mom is not home. I look around but she is nowhere to be seen. I take the food and sit down alone at the table.

I take up my phone and look at Instagram I have 10 million followers. I really don't know how or yes I do obviously bc of my mom. But why would people follow me? When they can follow my mom... I finish my food and put it in the dishwasher. My phone bling and a message popped up, "I'm here." It says and I take my school pack and run out of the door.

"Heeeey," I say as I sit in the car. "I missed you," I say and lean in to hug him. He hugs me back and kisses me. I blush and he starts the car. "We gotta hurry we are a bit late." He says and giggles as he speeds the car. "As long as you don't kill me." I laugh.

We arrive at the school and we get a real American school movie vibe. You know the one where you drive in the driveway and everyone is looking as you drive and people take pictures and stuff. Yeah, that is what is going on right now. I thought this was all over the new

Lady Gaga's daughter has a very handsome boyfriend
Lady Gaga's daughter showed up at her concert in Las Vegas with a BOY.
Lady Gaga's daughter was seen walking with a bout in Las Vegas, very romantic!

The fun fact is they all call me lady Gaga's daughter well I'm kinda used to it now but it's like I'm not a real person. I'm just a daughter. "So we here." He says and turns the car off. I take my pack and walk out of the car. I can see Maya waiting for me at my normal parking spot. "See you," I say and kiss Nathan. People gasp, I look around and see tons of people around us. I smile and fast walk over to Maya. "There you are!" She says. "I was scared that you wouldn't come." She hugs me and looks behind my back. "What is going on with all the people looking?" She asks and looks at me. "I don't know they all were just standing there when I and Nathan arrived."

"You arrived with Nathan?!" She asks sounding shocked. "Yeah." I look confused at her, "why does everyone have a problem with me and Nathan driving to school together?" I ask as we follow into the school. "You haven't heard?" She asks. I get scared too has he slept with someone else? What has he done? I shake my head. She takes my hand and runs into a toilet stall. She looks under all the booths to check that there is no one there. "Are you joking right because this is everywhere!" She almost screams, Maya looks very serious I have never seen her this serious. I look confused at her "what is it!?" I almost scream to get out of her. I'm scared.

She looks scared and takes my hand, "this is a rumor only, remember that, but people said that this girl named Olivia was at a party 2 days ago. She was really drunk and maybe also a little high. But she made a very wired toast she said something like this : "Okay, you all know this girl hmmm? Scarlett!, well she IS dating my boyfriend NATHAN! you all know him two? He's very tall and has green and blon- HIM RIGHT THERE!" she pointed at him because he was walking in the door, ngl he looked very scared of what she was about to say. But the speech kept going "I needed to pretend that I liked her because MY stupid boyfriend wanted to get him into fame so he would become rich, but then he comes to my party saying to me that I'm his cousin and this is his girlfriend and I was NOT in his stupid little plan of his!" She technically screamed that." Maya says.

"Hey, you there?" Maya ask. I'm frozen I can't feel my legs and feel like I'm about to pass out. "Did Nathan not say anything? She was really drunk she could be joking!" I say trying to not get a panic attack. "Girl, someone's cousin would never say something like that, even if they were drunk," Maya says and take my hand.

"No!" I scream looking her into her eyes. "NO!" I walk over to the sink. "No- I love him, he... he can't!" I say and turn around so I look at Maya again. "No! I- didn't he do something, stopped her?"

"Scarlett, I think you trying to convince yourself that he's not a dick and he loves you as much as you love him!" She walks over to me trying to take my hands. I rip my hands away as she tries to take them. "I'm not! He loves me as much as I love him, I know!" I say trying to keep my breath down at a normal speed. "You said this was only a rumor! Let's keep it this way!" I say and lean into the bathroom. As soon as I walk out of the bathroom door I can feel the tears press against my eyes. I take up my phone, my hands shaking. I find Pete's number and call. I find a quiet place where everyone isn't watching every move I make.

"Hey, Scarlett.' I hear Pete say. "Aren't you suppose to be in class right now?"

"Pete can you come and get me from school right now?!" I try to keep my voice down.

"Scarlett is there something wrong? Did someone hit you?!" I can hear how nervous he sounds.

"I really don't know!"

"Are you bleeding?! Anything broken?!"

"I don't know."

"I'll be there in a minute, I call your mother she'll be home before you are to take care of you!"

"No please don't Pete I beg you!" A long break comes. "Okay." He says and ends the call.

'My mom should never see me this hurt it will hurt her more.' I say to myself as I leave the empty classroom.

R/N: drama! Anyway, the queen of England is dead!!! Like how! I'm like so in shock... anyway hope you enjoyed this drama, idk if it was really bad... please! PLEASE tell me if you thought I could have done this better in some way... cuz then I'll try to fix it....

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