"Lost or betrayed"

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In the training room, Grace had uneven gymnastics bars in there that she was hanging on. "What in the" Leo said seeing her. "Why are these in here and what are you doing?" Leo asked. "What does it look like? Hanging upside down. And I feel like I'm losing something in my head" Grace said. "Yeah probably your circulation" Leo said. "Oo cool what are these" Taylor asked coming in. "Uneven gymnastics bars that shouldn't be here" Leo said looking at both Taylor and Grace. "Why are they in here" Taylor asked. "I asked Grace and she didn't give me a bright answer" Leo said. "Hey! I'm smarter than you" Grace said. "I don't think I fully introduced you two, Grace is Taylor-Taylor this Grace my stepsister and Adam, Chase, Bree's. I don't think they actually know though that Donald actually adopted her" Leo said. "Oh. Well it's nice to meet you" Taylor said shaking Grace's hand upside down. "You two, if I didn't feel like I'm losing circulation right now" Grace said. "Then why don't you get down" Taylor asked. "Because I don't know how on a high bar" Grace said. "I would get Adam if I were you" Taylor said. Leo got Adam.
Adam got her down. "Thanks Adam. Now can you help me out this away, hiding it from Mr Davenport" Grace said. "Yes" Adam said. "But not breaking it" Grace said. "What uh" Adam complained. "Want me to tell Davenport about the time that had you had a 'Bionic Houseparty' with the soldiers that tried to kill you the day Donald was in the hospital and the time you uploaded a video of Donald body slammed Tasha from a stupid zip line race" Grace asked. "How do you know that?" Adam asked. "I know everything" Grace said. Adam made a face😒. Adam and Grace got the bars out and into back in Grace's supply closet in her room. Grace met up with Chase for lunch. "Hey what's up" Chase asked. "Not much" Grace said. "Then what's that on your foot?" Chase asked seeing red on Grace's foot. "I don't know maybe sunburn from being outside possibly" Grace said. "Why were you outside?" Chase asked. "I said it could be possibly" Grace said. "What were you doing?" Chase asked. "I go outside during the break from training" Grace said. "Oh never mind" Chase said. Grace made a face at him 😑. There were movers coming in the room with Donald. They were bringing the washer and the dryer out in the room. "Um Mr Davenport what are they doing in here" Bree said as she just came out. "Douglas told me he noticed something wrong with the washer and the dryer. So I had them bring it in here so I can see what's wrong with it" Donald said. "Why couldn't you just put it in a big room like the training area so you can fix it?" Grace asked. "We have to train in there" Bree said. "Oh yeah" Grace said. While the students and Grace were training, Donald was working on the washer and the dryer with Douglas. Donald was looking through the machines. "Hey I think I see something in there" Donald said. "Yeah so do I" Douglas noticing it. Donald and Douglas had to jam through the machines to get the remotes and Grace's headphones out. Donald got the headphones out, Douglas got the remotes. "Hey these are Grace's" Donald said. "Here's her remotes that she claimed she lost" Douglas said. "Grace's stuff, that was the problem" Donald said. "That but I also thought I heard a leak in there" Douglas said. "Really?" Donald said as Douglas showed him. As Donald noticed water sprayed on him into his eyes. "You clean up while I fix the leak" Douglas said. "Why you?" Donald asked as he wiped himself. Donald looked through the machines again. Douglas fixed the leak in twenty minutes. "Told you I can fix it" Douglas said. "Whatever. I would make sure there's nothing else wrong with it" Donald said. "Good point" Douglas said. When they went back into it, Grace came in the room. "What are you doing? Shoving your heads in washing and dryer machine" Grace said coming by as they were alarmed hitting their heads. "Ow!" Douglas said. "Grace leave the room, stop distracting us" Donald said. "Whatever" Grace said walking out the way by the hyrdroloop. "Hey is that gas right there?" Douglas asked. "I don't know what that is. I'm not sure if it's apart of it or not" Donald said. "Is this an electronic washing machine?" Douglas asked. "Oh yeah, it is. That's perfectly normal" Donald said. "Okay good" Douglas said. Grace came in again. As Donald and Douglas stood up Grace scared them to death. "Would you quit doing that and go back to training?" Donald asked. "Fine" Grace said leaving. "When are we gonna get these back" Douglas said. "Probably during when everyone is on break from training" Donald said. "So it's just gonna stay right here the whole time til then" Douglas asked. "Yeah" Donald said. "Why can't we just get Adam get them back in there?" Douglas asked. "Is Adam smart enough to hook them back up?" Donald said. "Never mind" Douglas said.

~When break started~

"These things are still in here? I'm so thirsty" Grace said. Grace found something to drink, then sitting on the washing machine. Grace then shrunk into a tiny body, falling into the washing machine. "What in the?" Grace freaking. "What did I drink?" Grace asked. In the washing machine Grace kept talking to herself the whole time.

How am I tiny?

How am I in a washing machine!

Grace saw that there used to be something in the machines.

Was that my headphones? And the lost remotes from my room? What in the? How is that possible?

I need to get out of here, I'm claustrophobic. Wait what am I saying I'm tiny? It's huge for the fact that I shrank down.

"Where did Grace go?" Taylor asked. "What do you mean she should be on break from training. She might be outside" Bree said. "I just checked everywhere, she's nowhere to be found" Taylor said. "What? Not again! The last time something like this happened she turned into a bowling ball" Bree said. "What are you talking about?" Taylor asked. "A new ability of her's to morph into anything an item, a person, an animal. Anything you could think of" Bree said. "Cool" Taylor said. "Yeah if you almost die" Bree said. Taylor made a freaked out face. "Hey" Chase said as he was by Bree. "We can't find Grace" Bree said. "What again?" Chase said.

The movers of the washing and dryer machine brought it back to the laundry room. "Maybe she's an object again" Taylor said. "Hey are we gonna go back to training or what" Adam asked from by the training room. "Can you cover for us, we're looking for Grace" Bree asked. "Sure" Adam said. "I would go back to training Taylor" Chase said. "I can't help you guys with Grace?" Taylor asked. "Well I don't know what could happen because of Grace" Bree said. "You always seem to be after Grace and yet she loves you" Chase said. "Zip it" Grace said. "I'll just go back to training" Taylor said annoyed by their arguing. "I knew it" Chase said. "What?" Bree asked. "We constantly argue about Grace, everyone else knows and they're annoyed by it. Just like Taylor right there" Chase said. "We don't argue all the time" Bree said. "Yes we do" Chase said. "No we don't" Bree said. "Yes we do" Chase said. "No we don't" Bree said. "Hello!" Chase said showing her. "Okay whatever, we have to find Grace before Donald finds out we lost her again" Bree said. "Okay" Chase said. "Could she be by any chance in a object" Bree asked. "What do you mean" Chase said. They looked through things in the academy Grace could be in (except for the laundry room). Grace ended up calling Chase (on her tiny phone). "Hello" Chase said. "Chase, I'm in the washing machine in the laundry room GET ME OUT OF HERE" Grace said than hanging up. "I know where Grace is" Chase said as they ran to the laundry room. Chase got Grace out. "How did you get in there?" Bree asked. "Your very tiny and super cute" Chase said. "Hello! How do we get Grace back to normal size?" Bree asked. "How did you turn tiny?" Chase asked. "It was something a drank. Thankfully I didn't finish it" Grace said. They ran out, with Grace in Chase's hand. Chase saw what it was a chemical substance that made an effect making her ting. Chase gave Grace the opposite substance. Grace went back to her normal height. "There was no help with Davenport right?" Grace asked. "Neither of them" Bree said. "Yes!" Grace said happy high fiving them. Grace ran back in, falling to the ground, falling asleep. "There's a effect from what I gave her, it makes her fall asleep automatically I gave her so it could absorbed into the body it came from" Chase said. "Okay but Grace will be okay right" Bree asked. "Yes" Chase said. "Okay perfect" Bree said. Perfect as it seems, Donald found out and grounded them for 3 weeks.

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