"Broken part 2" (Lab Rats Special)

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Previously on Lab Rats

"You turned into Spike. I never thought I'd see yours in action beside I never make you mad" Grace then threw Chase across the room.

Spike (Grace) flipped him and pinned him to the ground. Chase turned into his's Spike and took Grace off of him.

Grace ran into Chase kicking him into a flip and placing her knee and leg the wrong way. "Ow" Grace screamed deactivating her commando app.

"I can't believe you, I can't believe you let this happened!" "I'm sorry"

"I'm in a wheelchair!" Grace said annoyed.
"I miss being normal" Chase and Bree were in concern.

"Grace might never be able to use her leg and knee again"

"Strengthen the medicine"

"Medicine is all good to go"

"How are you feeling?" "Better but in pain"


Grace was set in the cafeteria. Chase brought back Grace's wheelchair.

"I'll get us something to eat for dinner" Chase said. "Ok" Grace said. A few minutes later they were eating dinner.

Douglas came in with Donald.

Chase stood up going by them, "Would you consider for Grace to be in physical therapy or something for her condition".

"I would", "No!"

"Why not Mr Davenport" Chase asked. "Yeah why not? It makes perfect sense for her to be doing that kind of thing" Douglas said "I don't think so" Donald said. "But why?" Chase and Douglas asked. "What if she hurts herself again from doing that?" Donald asked. "How can someone hurt themselves in physical therapy?" Chase asked. "I just don't want her hurt and more in pain again" Donald said. "You do know that I'm right here" Grace said turning a little bit. "What are you doing out of your wheelchair?" Donald asked as Douglas put her back in her wheelchair. "I couldn't get out of the mentor quarters in the wheelchair, so Chase picked me up and got me here" Grace said. "Oh" Douglas said. "You were able to carry her?" Donald asked😒. "Why are you so surprised? Yes I was" Chase said.
"I don't want Grace doing anything right now rather than school" Donald said. "I still have to do school?" Grace asked annoyed leaning back in her wheelchair. "You wouldn't be doing anything here? What else do you think you would be doing?" Douglas asked. "Being by myself in my room" Grace said. "That's not happening" Donald and Douglas said. "Your so annoying sometimes, no all the time" Grace said. Chase pulled her out of the room in the main area. "There's no way Grace can get hurt, she can handle it" Douglas said. "I don't want her doing physical therapy that's the last time I'm saying it" Donald said. "Fine" Douglas said as Donald left the room. Chase came back in the room, "He keeps saying no right?" "Yes but I don't care. Physical therapy will help Grace. I will do P.T. with her, you can help if you want. We cannot let Donnie find out" Douglas said. "If i do that with you I'd be disobeying him, well the both of us would" Chase said. "By doing this will help her muscles in her body, I'm not letting Grace suffer" Douglas said. "Okay" Chase said.

The next day.

In the training room

Chase came in, "Mr Davenport just left the island". "Okay good, get Grace in here" Douglas said. Chase brought Grace in from the main area. "I would ask why are we doing this because Mr Davenport said no but I don't care what he says" Grace said. "You wouldn't listen to him?" Chase asked. "No not really. Okay what is that" Grace asked. "A table we are gonna put you on" Douglas said. "Okay" Grace said weirded out as Douglas picked her up and put her on the table. "Okay tell me before you do things " Grace said. "Sorry" Douglas said. "Why don't we start with being able to be in control of your legs (and knee)" Chase said. "What do you want me to do?" Grace asked. "Can you pick up your right leg" Douglas asked. Grace picked up her leg, "Hurting, ow". "Okay how about your left leg" Chase asked. Grace tried to but only could a little, "Okay ow, ow, ow really hurting". "Spread out your legs a bit" Douglas said. Grace did but winced in pain. "I have a feeling I know what your doing. Don't treat me like a little kid" Grace asked. "Want us to do something that could hurt you? Although if we did Donnie would hurt us " Douglas said. "No I don't" Grace said. "Then listen" Douglas said as he put a ball in between her legs. "I'm not totally sure if I can do this" Grace said. "You won't ever know if you don't try" Douglas said. Grace put both her legs up (wincing) and moved the ball with her legs up and down her leg. Grace did that for 5 minutes. "That actually worked" Grace said in shock. "Told you so" Douglas said. "Can you still sit in butterfly style" Chase asked. "Can you help me first?" Grace asked. Douglas took the ball, Chase helped her putting her legs down. Grace pushed back to the end of the table and put her legs as a triangle then put her head and body down to her legs. "Okay good she can" Chase said . "You can get out of that show off" Douglas said. Chase helped her to take out her legs. "Is all of this gonna be like bending my legs?" Grace asked. "Yes" Douglas and Chase said. "The same thing over and over again?" Grace asked. "Yeah. That's how you get stronger with them" Douglas and Chase said. Grace was then leant down on the table on her back. "Now try to bend your right knee" Chase said. Grace took a breath and bent her knee. Grace squished her face up from the pain. "Now start to lift up your left leg, if you can't go all the way I'll help you" Chase said. "Okay" Grace said as she got her leg up a little bit. "Can you do anymore on your own?" Chase asked. Grace tried but just a little bit more. Chase helped navigate lifting her left leg. "Okay. What's this supposed to do?" Grace asked. "The first day in physical therapy you always want to do stretches you don't want to push it too much" Chase said. "How long is this gonna take?" Grace asked. "Maybe three or four weeks" Douglas said. "What? I can't be like this forever, I won't be able to train and go missions" Grace said upset sitting up right away. "You need to calm down. This is gonna take time, it won't just be a few days" Chase said. "Why not?" Grace asked. "Because of how badly you injured yourself" Douglas said. Grace crossed her arms, annoyed, "I hate you. I blame you for me to not be training and going on missions" pointing to Chase. "I thought we past that" Chase said. "We did but I'm mad" Grace said. "Grace!" Douglas said. Grace rolled her eyes at him. "Lay back down" Chase said. They did the other side with her left knee and right leg for a few minutes. "Let's do a side leg lift now" Chase said. "Isn't that the same thing but on the side" Grace said as she lifted her right leg. "Yes but you have to cooperate. Hold that for 6 more seconds" Chase said. After Grace held it she went on the other side. Grace then did some knee bends for about five minutes. Chase got Grace off the table to the wall. Chase put two balls up against the wall. "Lay on top of these balls, bending your knees as if you were angry at the wall" Chase said. "Okay then" Grace said as she was pushing into the wall bending her knees at 50 degrees angle. "Good" Douglas said as he noticed Grace deflated them. Chase pushed the balls away. Chase held onto Grace against him. Chase put Grace down on the ground. "Push your left leg away" Chase said. Grace pushed her left leg away. "Put your leg up as you can" Chase said. Grace put her leg up a bit, Chase helped her the rest of the way. Held it for awhile and put it down. Chase then had her put her knee up and down for awhile. Douglas went down to them and did a little push on her knees. "Ow" Grace said. "Sorry" Douglas said. "It's fine" Grace said. "How about a leg bridge" Douglas said. "Okay" Grace said. Grace pushed her legs up into a bent as she can with help of Douglas and Chase by her sides. Grace held it for awhile and then kept doing that for awhile. Then leg stretches to the side. Grace yawned. "Leg up and down" Chase said. Grace put her leg up with Chase then put it down repeatedly. They did the same thing as well afterwards but with her ankle. "What about crossing her leg over the other next" Douglas said. "I think she'd be good with that" Chase said. "Okay then" Grace said. 3 minutes later Grace sat up. Grace crosses her leg over the other on the left side first. The right side second. "Hey much longer for this? I wanted to see Bree after this" Grace said. "I don't know if it's gonna take long, maybe just a little longer with what we have for you" Douglas said. "Okay" Grace said. "Just don't tell Bree about this, if she knows she might tell Mr Davenport because she's overprotective of you" Chase said. "No your overprotective for me" Grace said. "Both of us are. Mr Davenport is the worst at it" Chase said. "Exactly" Grace said. Douglas took one of the training balls and put right by Grace. "Try to get your legs up on your own" Douglas said. Grace got up to it except for her ankles to touch the ball. Chase put her ankle on it. Grace complained a little bit. 3 minutes later, Grace laid down on her stomach doing some prone leg curls. Legs up and down for about 4 minutes. "Okay what else?" Grace asked. "Quadriceps stretch laying down" Douglas said. "Oh boy" Grace said. Grace bent her knees behind herself with the help of Douglas. After a few minutes they got Grace back up on the table. Grace did a knee extension on each leg for 3 minutes. It was back on the wall again. Grace did wall squats and wall slides. "Would you be comfortable doing a gastroe stretch?" Chase asked. "Yeah sure" Grace said. Chase turned her around. Grace leant against the wall for while on her hand for her knee to beant on each side. When she was done with that Grace did some heel raises holding onto the wall. "We were gonna have you hold the table for that but okay" Chase said. "Bring her to the table for the last one" Douglas said. "Last one? Yay!" Grace said. Chase dragged Grace to the table. Grace held onto the table and threw out her leg in the back. Grace held out her leg for 4 minutes each.

"That's all we had set up for you" Douglas said. "You can see Bree now, just don't mention any of this" Chase said. "Why would I ever want to" Grace asked. "Okay" Chase said helping her back in her wheelchair. Grace left moving herself in the wheelchair by the tire.
In the main area, Bree came up to Grace. "Hey how are you doing?" Bree asked. "Good" Grace said. "Even better after your physical therapy session with Chase and Douglas" Bree asked. "What?" Grace said guilty. "Grace, I know I saw on security footage" Bree said. "Don't tell Mr Davenport PLEASE!!" Grace said. "I won't. I have an idea for you" Bree said. "What?" Grace asked. "Since you wouldn't be able to reach your own toes I can give you a pedicure" Bree said. "Your the best sister I ever had" Grace said. "I'm your only sister" Bree said. "I say that because not just because you offered, you care about me and are concerned. You want me healthy, I want me healthy but still. That's a best thing a sister can do for another" Grace said. "Your so deep about things, I like that" Bree said. Grace smiled. Bree did Grace's toes for her. "Thanks Bree" Grace said. "No problem, want to get some lunch" Bree asked. "I'd love that" Grace said. Grace and Bree had lunch together.

Later on at night Grace did some more P.T. but half the stretches they did already. The full physical therapy they do with Grace in the morning, then Half at night for the rest of the week and about half the next 2 weeks.

"We're gonna do some exercises that would be more challenging for you" Chase said. "Say what?" Grace asked. "Don't worry" Douglas said.
This time Grace's physical therapy is:
Heel raises
Butt kicks
Standing up straight
Standing up with knee bent
Marching in place
Step ups/Walking in place
Running in place
Jogging in place
Gymnastics stretches (Grace is a gymnast, by doing this it will know that she can continue doing it).
Bending in a yoga pose on a mat.
Glute sets
Partial squats (not on wall)
Leg stretches on wall on each side.
Bending down normally.
Reach to your toes stretch.
Sit to stand

After two weeks and 5 days of those, Grace was stronger and able to stay up and trying to walk more. Grace had Douglas and Chase by their sides. Or even Bree at her side. With Douglas and Chase bringing Grace into her room in her capsule. There was a part of a crutches to keep her still in her capsule. "I think I got it" Grace said. "Are you sure?" Chase asked. "Kinda" Grace said as she held onto the door of her capsule and stepped in on her own. "I got in on my own!" Grace said. Grace started dancing in excitement. "Really?" Douglas asked. "Yes" Grace said. Chase rolled his eyes. Grace tripped and Chase & Douglas caught her. "I'm good" Grace said. Douglas and Chase just looked at her. When Bree was at her side, they were going into the cafeteria for lunch. Bob came up, "You look ridiculous". "No I don't" Grace said aiming her heat vision at him. "Grace!" Bree said. "Sorry" Grace said. "Bob you have no right to say that about Grace in her condition" Bree said. "I'm sorry" Bob said. "It's fine" Grace said.

Next day during physical therapy Grace was walking the whole time with Douglas and Chase by her.
Since Donald was gone, Douglas and Chase walked around the academy with Grace for awhile.
Going back to the training room: "I'm so happy for you" Douglas said. "I'm happy your walking again and that your a lot better" Chase said. "Thanks, I love you guys for doing this for me" Grace said. "Your welcome" Douglas and Chase said at the same time.
The hydroloop opened with Donald coming out seeing them, "What the?" "Oh no" They said. "Yeah, turn around" Donald said. "Before you get mad Donnie, Grace is stronger than ever, she's walking again but with me and Chase by her side though" Douglas said. "The only thing I care about right now to discuss is that you disobeyed me" Donald said. "What else were we supposed to do? We didn't want Grace to suffer in the wheelchair" Chase said. Grace walked up to Donald and grabbed his shirt, "I would've suffered because I want to train and go on missions. I'm not lazy, I'm hard working. You didn't think I would be able to didn't ya" Grace said. "Did you just walk on your own?" Douglas asked. Grace looked confused and turned around. "I walked by myself" Grace realized. Grace walked to her room. "I walked by myself! I'm so happy!"
Yay! Yay! Yay! My favorite ending, it made me tear up! I would've said the same thing if that happened to me! Hope you enjoy

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