"Seriously? Why?"

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Weeks later.

Chase went to Grace's room standing by her door. "Grace come on, get out of your room" Chase said. "No" Grace said. "Putting on your medicine" Chase asked. "Yes, people will laugh at me" Grace said. "No they won't" Chase said. Chase opened her door and grabbed Grace out of her room, pulling her. Adam came up to them laughing at Grace. Grace made a face at Chase😠. Adam walked away. Bob and Spin walked up to them. "What the heck" Spin said. "Spin!" Chase said. "Sorry" Spin said walking away. "What?" Bob asked walking up to Grace then laughing at her walking away. "I'm out" Grace said as she was about to leave but Chase pulled her. "Grace stop. Just ignore them" Chase said. "How can I? I hate when people laugh at me" Grace said. "What's going on?" Donald asked coming in from the training area. "Can you tell the students to not laugh at Grace? They keep laughing at Grace and Grace will not ignore it" Chase said. "I hate being laughed at I'm insecure, I can't" Grace said. "You're insecure? You never told me that" Chase asked. "Yes I did tell you. I told you last week" Grace said. "Oh" Chase said. "Grace I need to talk to you" Donald said. Chase made a face knowing what he's gonna say😊😐. "What" Grace asked. "Why did you make your paint gun that explode in the training area, twice" Donald said. "I didn't make it explode" Grace said. "Yeah you did" Donald said as he showed her the security footage. "But I wasn't the- Chase stopped her- "Just stop and admit it". "I didn't- Donald interrupted, "Grace!" "I didn't do it though" Grace said. "Thanks to you I just cleaned that, for your punishment you'll be cleaning all the toilets in the academy" Donald said. "Gross" Grace said. "Start cleaning" Donald said. Grace rolled her eyes and superspeeded out. Chase went after her with the chip extractor.
"What are you doing with that" Grace asked. Chase took out her chip. "Hey!" Grace said. "I hate to, but no bionics while you clean" Chase said. Grace gasped. Chase closed her mouth and said, "Start cleaning". "How rude" Grace said. Grace cleaned the toilets. "Hey where's Grace" Bree asked as she came in the main area. "She's cleaning the to toilets as punishment for making her pain gun explode that Mr Davenport had to clean" Chase said. "Grace was the one who did that" Bree asked. "Yep" Chase said. "Is the Grace's chip" Bree said noticing it. "Yes" Chase said. "Okay that's cruel to do to her" Bree said. "Whatever" Chase said. "Are you okay? Your never act like that towards her" Chase asked. "I'm fine" Chase said. Two hours later, Grace was done cleaning. Grace did training after that for four hours. After Grace cleaned up from training, she was having dinner in the cafeteria. "Hey Grace how are you?" Leo asked. "I'm exhausted" Grace said. "I heard what happened this morning" Leo said. "It wasn't me" Grace said. "Okay then" Leo said. "You people drive me nuts" Grace said. "Rude" Leo said. "For not believing me" Grace said then cleaning up and leaving. Grace stayed outside in the front of the academy for awhile. In the mentor quarters. "Hey where's Grace" Chase asked. "I don't know" Adam said. "Mean neither" Bree said. The pool exploded. A paper came out with Grace's name on it. Adam, Bree and Chase was startled from it exploding. Chase saw the passer and ran out. Chase found Grace coming back in five minutes later. "You" Chase said. "What about me" Grace asked. "You" Chase said. "You made the pool explode. What's your deal making things explode around here" Chase said. "I didn't do it" Grace said. Grace didn't do it and she didn't make the paint gun explode either. "Yes you did" Chase said. "I did not" Grace said. "Come with me" Chase said. They went to the security footage. Grace came up on the footage making it look like she did do it. Grace gasped. "It wasn't me though" Grace said. "Your cleaning up the pool before you go to bed and tomorrow you are cleaning all of the floors in the academy with your toothbrush" Chase said. "Why don't you believe me?" Grace asked upset running out. Grace still has no bionics in.

Next day.

"Hey Grace" Bree was saying until, "Leave me alone". "Grace! You should not talk to me like that. Wait, why are you cleaning?" Bree asked. "What's wrong with Chase lately" Grace asked standing up. "What do you mean?" Bree asked. "He blamed me for the pool exploding but it wasn't me and made me clean the pool. Chase made me clean the floors with my toothbrush" Grace said. "I agree he's giving you unfair punishments but Grace, you did do that" Bree said. "I can't believe you, what's wrong with you? I thought you told me you loved me and wanted me to live" Grace said mad leaving the room. Bree looked upset. Awhile later, Grace went back to cleaning and finished in three hours. Grace had lunch, then practiced some martial arts in the training area for awhile. Leo stopped Grace and talked to her. "I heard you got in trouble again" Leo said. "Shut up" Grace said. "Why do you keep- Leo was saying but Grace interrupted, "It wasn't me!" "Prove it" Leo said. "I will prove it" Grace said walking out. Grace put her own cameras around the academy. Grace's tablet was hooked up in the cameras. Grace was using the security footage, watching it constantly. Then found absolutely nothing! Grace ended up falling asleep. Something came up in Grace's security footage, Spin and Bob. A loud crash came out. "Grace!" Donald and Chase yelled. Loud enough that Grace woke up falling down, "What!". Grace got up walking to them asking, "What do you want?" Chase grabbed Grace as they brought her up to the bowling alley. Black gas was everywhere. "What the heck" Grace said. "You did this, cut the act" Donald said. "No I didn't, I was asleep!" Grace said. "I'm really tired of your attitude young lady" Donald said. "Young lady?" You come with me" Grace said. They followed her. Grace found the security footage showing Donald and Chase. "Bob and Spin!" Donald and Chase asked surprised. "Told you it wasn't me" Grace said. "We're sorry" Donald and Chase said. "Whatever" Grace said upset walking away. Donald and Chase caught Bob and Spin, punishing them. Chase fixed the security footage because they manipulated it. "Why did you frame me" Grace asked. "We're sorry" Bob and Spin said. "Why did you frame Grace?" Chase asked. "Because we didn't want to get in trouble" Spin said. "Okay now you're even in more trouble" Chase said. "Oh great" Bob said. "In the bowling alley, start cleaning" Chase said. "Fine" Bob and Spin walking upstairs. "Come here" Chase said. "What?" Grace asked. Chase put Grace's chip back in. "Oh thanks" Grace said (but still upset) walking out. Grace went in her room, took off her security footage. Donald and Chase tried to apologize but Grace wouldn't budge. When they apologized separately to Grace, they were forgiven. "Now get out of my room" Grace said. "Fine" Donald said leaving. Grace went to sleep.

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