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                             Chapter 1
Tw! Swearing
Quackity POV:

I can feel the sunlight spreading across my body as it starts to heat up, I let out a morning groan and turn to my phone which was laying right next to me on my bed I reach my arm over to pick it up and check the time when suddenly my phone blares a loud noise causing me to jump up and throw it across my room, this isn't the first time either, I get up out of my bed throwing my blankets on the floor doing so, I walk over to my phone which is still ringing, I reach down to pick it up before I answer the idiot who decided to call me I check for any cracks fortunately there aren't any, I slide my finger across my phone to answer, "I just woke up, why the fuck are you calling me at," I cut myself off to check the time,

7:23AM I read

"7 o'clock am?" I say in a tired tone, "oh sorry!" I hear Karl giggle from the other side of the phone. "I just wanted to know if I could come over for a sleepover, I got a ouiji board!" He seemed awake I wonder what time he woke up at. "Yeah sure whatever, I'm guessing your to scared to play it yourself right?" I say already knowing the answer.

"So what if I was!" Karl shouts playfully, "what time are you coming over at?" I ask hoping not soon so I could have time to clean my room and myself up. "Maybe 8?" Shit. Welp, "Mkay then see ya" I say covering up my stresses. "Byeeee" Karl says looping the e to go one for a bit, but I hung up though so it cut half way through, it sounded funny so I chuckled a little before placing my phone down on my desk.

I sigh and then pick up my blanket off my floor and threw it on my bed, I picked up all of my clothing and threw them in the laundry basket that was in the washroom of my room, I checked the time once again and relized that it was soon going to be eight and knowing Karl he's gonna make himself early so I start to rush my self.

I run out to the kitchen to grab the garbage and run back to my room to shove every last bit of my Soda cans into It and as fast as possible I run back to the kitchen to put the garbage back, and to my suprise I look at the sofa in my living room to see Karl siting there and staring down to his phone. At least he knew I was trying to get ready. I snuck back into my room and made the bed and the second I finished he came in.

"Yo I'm here" he said putting his phone back into his pocket. "Hey, If you don't mind I'm gonna take a shower." I say knowing I smelled bad cause I always do in mornings trying to keep my distance. "Yeah sure." he said sitting down on my bed as I stood up grabbed some clothes and went into my washroom.


After my shower I put my dirty clothes in the basket with all the others I shoved in earlier when I was cleaning my room, I get changed into fresh clothes and start to brush my teeth and then hair, "god I need a haircut" I think out loud and sigh, I put my hairbrush down and grab my favourite hat which has the letters "LAFD" spelled onto it, I put it on my head cover most of my hair and all of my ears, I head out and see Karl in the same spot as he was when he first sat down, "I'm out now" I say more awake since I just had my shower. Karl looks up at me and gives a small smile, " what do you wanna do first?" I say walking towards him and grabbing my phone and stuffing it into the pocket of my jeans.

So that's all for now since my brain is starting to hurt from writing. If there's any mistakes I apologize i promise I was not rushing. Also I thought over 100 words was a lot we made it to 737 words holy crap!

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