Roomates with a demon?

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                                                                                           Chapter 5

Quackity POV:

As always the sunlight is in my face and all over my body heating me up, I grab my phone which was charging all last night and checked the time.

8:26 AM

I still managed to wake up that early? After making a deal with a demo- I MADE A DEAL WITH A DEMON WHAT WAS I THINKING! I rush out of bed and run downstairs hoping just hoping that it was a dream. But I go into the kitchen to see Nick standing there drinking... coffee? "Morning.. uh... what's your name?" Nick asks, "Alex, I Uhm.." I stuttered. "It's ok I'm Not going to hurt you"  he chuckled and walked towards me. "Your kinda short" he said just a few cm a away from me, I looked up since just a bit of his neck and chest was in front of me, and he's looking right down to me. It made me blush a little.. WAIT WHAT NO NO NO NO NO! I shake my head a bit trying to make the blush go away.

I look back up to him and he's raising his eyebrow at me, "you good?" He asks confused, "mhm.." I say backing up and turning away. "So are you just going to be like my roommate?" I ask looking back to nick. "Well we're stuck together for eternity so I guess" he said shrugging his shoulders. Nick seems really strong.. STOP GETTING THESE THOUGHTS ALEX!! "Well  I have a spare room you can have that ok?"  I say heading into the kitchen. "Ok" nick said.

He headed up to the spare room and I decided to make some coffee, I start drinking it and then hear and feel my phone. Buzz, I check to see what it was and it was of course karl.


So did you die yet?
Read 9:06 AM

                                                   No of course not.
                                                      Read 9:07 AM

Wait really? The
Sapmap ghost thingy
Really didnt Kill you?
Read 9:09 AM
                                        Well sapnap is his nickname
                                           Nick is his real name. And
                                           He's a demon.
                                             Read 10:00 AM

Read at 10:00 AM

Read at 10:01 AM

He sounded mad, hopefully he's not as mad as it seemed though, I've only seen Karl mad once and that was... when he was around... schlatt- no! Alex stop it. I head upstairs and go to the spare room and knock on the door. I hear a faint come in and open the door to see the room looks completely different. It used to look more modern and casual now it has LED lights the colour orange three walls are black. on the wall you walk in from, the wall on the left, and the wall on the right, the wall you first see in front of you when walking in was orange. "How did you..?" I asked cutting myself off.

I see nick sitting in a gamer chair with a desk and computer. "This is my stuff from my room back in the demon realm. If I make a pact with a human and they give me a room then my stuff from the demon realm comes in that other stuff got cleared out I didn't do it though I don't have magic anymore, Though I can change from my human for Tommy demon one, that's about it though." Nick explained "oh ok, so nick" I get cut off again, "please call me sapnap.." he didn't look to happy to hear his real name, "so sapnap, do you mind if my friend comes over?" I ask

"Oh is it the one that was here yesterday?" Sapnap asks "yeah" "oh ok, I wanna apologize to him for yesterday so yeah I'm cool with it." Nick tells me. Me and Sapnap head downstairs to the living room and just watch some shows while we wait for Karl. A few episodes into one of our shows (you can choose the show) we hear the doorbell knowing it's Karl no one else really ever come over except for George and his boyfriend clay who we call dream. For some reason George and Karl came up with nicknames for me and clay. George chose dream for clay cause clay is his dream guy or something, and Karl chose quackity/q for me cause I like ducks. It's weird but I'm cool with it.

"So sapnap is your nickname?" I ask turning to sapnap. "Uh yeah, do you have any nicknames?" He asks me back. "I do it's quackity,cause I like ducks" I giggle, sapnap smiles "mines cause I like Pandas" he giggles aswell, "pandas? How does sapnap have anything to do with those?" I ask smiling, "well if you turn the "p" in "sap" in a "d" and then turn everything around it spells panda's" he explained. "Wow that's got a deep meaning" I say slightly shocked.

Then we hear my doorbell ring I get up and go answer the door to see Karl standing there, I'm not surprised though I knew he was coming he told me he was coming over.
"Hey kar-" I started but got cut off almost im Instantly, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! YOU IDIOT!" He sounded very mad but not schlatt mad. "TALKING TO A DEMON YOUR SO STU-" Karl cuts himself off, I turn around to see what he was staring  at. It was sapnap who is very tall.. "y-your sapnap?" Karl says stuttering  you can tell he was scared. "Yeah." Sapnap said he sounded quite pissed to hear Karl shouting at me. At this point karl was shaking and was scared, "I-I Uhm..."  Karl can't get words out, "why are you shouting at quackity?" Sapnap said still pretty pissed.

I look up to him quite shocked to hear him call me quackity, only my close friends call me that, I feel slight blush form onto my face but just as that happens I look back down away from him so he doesn't  notice, but I think Karl did....


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