Blood pact with a demon

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                                                                                            Chapter 4
Quackity POV:

I fell asleep though I don't feel anymore rested. I grabbed my phone as I was sitting up and checked the time

12:45 AM

"Holy shit, my sleep schedules going to be fucked" I say out loud, not that anyone would hear. I live alo- SHIT! I forgot there's some kinda demon thing in my room! I quickly look around for anything nothings there though. I stand up and slowly walk to my mirror, no one and nothing was there except for myself. I force myself out of my room even though I'm quite scared,

I go downstairs into my kitchen and grab myself a glass of water cause I was feeling thirty, I turn around from my sink (idc he gonna drink from the sink it's just water)
And I almost instantly drop the glass. It shatters across the floor and water spills all over. But I don't think I even cared at the moment.

My focus was on the 5'10? no 6'0 demon intront of me, or was he a ghost? I couldn't tell. He had horns that stuck right up and a thin tail almost looked like strings, but I don't think it's easy to break them and it had orange and yellow feathers at the end almost like the flame on his shirt. I didn't relize this but some of his white shirt were burned with some burned off holes.

I take a deep breath and look up to the demon (quackity is 5'7 in this AU I'm pretty sure that's his real hight as-well not sure tho) he's just a demon and from the looks of it he can also float through things like a ghost, so I shouldn't have much to fear, I don't think he could kill me if he really can go through things. I walk over to get a broom and look back over to the demon, " so are you really floating?" I ask looking down to see to see hes not standing onto the ground.

"Uh, yeah" he answered, we stare at each other for a few seconds, "is it fun being a ghost demon thing?" I ask again. "Well for starters im a demon. But I don't really have anything to do, I found out you and your friend were summoning demons and ghosts so I took my chance to scare you guys." He said proudly. "You made me break a glass and freak my best friend out. That's fun?" I told him and I was pretty annoyed.

"Wait, isn't your name snap map or something?" I once again ask. "We'll it's my nickname, you ask a lot of questions."
He carelessly explained. "So what's your real name?" "Nick" he told me.  "Anymore questions mr Sherlock" he sounded pretty annoyed. " sorry I've never met a demon before." I shrugged finally sweeping up the broken glass. Nick lifts himself up mor into the air and starts laying down as if a hammock was there though there wasn't.

I continue to sweep, "FUCK" I scream out on accident. "What? Are you ok?" Nick asks me. Why would he care? No he probably he's just a king things to annoy me now. "A shard of glass cut me" I say sucking on my middle finger trying to suck out the blood of my wound. "I have a question for you now.." Nick looks to me and tells me, "what? You want to steal my body so you can be human again? Not happening" I carelessly said. "It dosnt have anything to do with me taking over your body" Nick chuckles a bit, "but there is something you can do to help me do more human like things."
Nick tells me, "how? What kind of things would yo be able to do?" I ask, I'm curious on how this would happen.

"You need to let me have a drop of your blood in order for it to work, it's called a blood pact. Basically if you agree to letting me have some of your blood i won't be somewhat see through and i won't be able to float, but I can interact with humans and items. But if you do it me and you will be stuck together for the rest of your existence. Even in the after life we with have a life long bond." Nick explains, it sounds risky but even if he tried killing me he'd be stuck with me. So really there's no point in him killing me. "Will other humans be able to see you?" I asked, I'm considering it.

"Yeah but I can hide the demon stuff" he chuckles. I take a deep breath and sigh, "what do I have to do.?" I'm going to do it mostly cause I wanted to see how this would go. "Just need to agree to do it and sleep." He tells me. "Fine, i agree" I willingly say. I headed up to my bedroom and lay down. I start playing music and singing along. I eventually fall asleep and wake up the next morning.

Hold shit! 856 words let's go!

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