Chapter 9: Piecing Together The True Threat

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The students started their one-week field training the week after. The Friday before, after class, Yurina called Tokoyami to meet her at the end of school in her office.

The boy entered her office, knocking before he stepped in.

"I'm sure you got your notification already?" Yurina asked.

"I did."

Yurina slid him paper detailed with information for the next week. "Bus pass and hotel information is there, as well as instructions to get to Kyushu. I will be waiting for you at the final station to pick you up. Make sure you pack well. We'll provide anything else that you're missing."

"Hotel?" were the only words out of Tokoyami's mouth.

Yurina smiled from behind her mask, "Yes, hotel. You're a guest, Tokoyami-kun. Even if you're here to learn, we want you to be comfortable."

"We as in-?"

"Hawks and Alchemi," Yurina said, "As the heads of our company, we want to make this experience challenging but fun. Now, do you have any questions?"

Tokoyami had none.

By the next Monday, Yurina was leaning against a company car, waving to her new interim student.

"Ready for the big day?"

"I am a little nervous."

Yurina opened the front passenger seat for him, heading to her side to drive. "Don't be," she said, "This is all a learning experience."

Yurina had gotten permission to leave U.A to assist Tokoyami with his field training. Keigo notified her that it would be a back and forth between them, coaching Tokoyami. They were still busy heroes, practically the only operative hero agency in all of Kyushu.

"Why do you want to pick him?" Yurina had asked over the phone.

"I have my reasons," Keigo said. He didn't elaborate. Usually Yurina wouldn't mind that, but she frowned upon hearing his carefree tone.

"You may have your own motivations, but this is a student. He wants to learn."

"Yes, I gathered as much."

"Don't take advantage of him, Keigo."

Yurina pinned Keigo down with a glare as Keigo nodded, still avoiding her gaze. "I got it, I got it."


Yurina led Tokoyami into Hawks Agency. He was introduced to several of the heroes there, as well as various staff that they passed by. Slowly they made their way up to the top floor, where Mimi enthusiastically waited by her desk.

"Hello!" she practically squeaked, shaking Tokoyami's hand. "My name is Mimi Miya. I am the head secretary at Hawks Agency."

"Mimi-san helps us keep everything organized," Yurina explained, "If you're ever lost or can't find one of us, ask her. She keeps tabs on almost everything."

Mimi sighed, "Believe me, it is a tough job, considering how fast Mister Hawks moves." She then gestured to the opposite side of the area, where another smaller desk was set up, just across from hers. "Anyway, we've set up this desk for you. It's just outside the doors to Alchemi and Hawks' joint office. Please make yourself at home."

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