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"He is the one that rejected me!" Seungmin said in front of the camera.

Minho looked surprised but played along.."why are you making me the bad guy".

Chan had to interfere to stop the "divorce couple from bickering". 

Minho ended up going back to take him seat which was near jisung and seungmin has went back to the other side visibly upset but showed his happy puppy self in front of stays.

Minho wasn't too happy himself, he looked at seungmin who wasn't even looking his way.

              ———-Flashback a year ago————
"Hyung..can we talk?"seungmin said when both were alone in their old dorms. "Tired seungmo~" minho had his head laid top off the pillow. "What's wrong?"...

A confession was made that night.

Minho rejected seungmin and seungmin took a step back from minho.

Minho didn't feel the same way about seungmin at the time to him seungmin was a little brother he loved to tease. 

Seungmin a feelings had grown however from thoes teasings so after that night he collected his feeling and thought best to distant from minho.

I mean how else was he gonna get over his feelings.

A months or two later the divorce concept came to be introduce by chan as he loved seeing the cat and dog teasing.

The confession that no one knew about was kept a secret.

But that confession caused minho to view seungmin in a different way.

He paid more attention to seungmin. The way he would laugh, jump like a puppy, his comfortable style that was simple yet fitted his dandy personality. Minho was beginning to fall for seungmin while seungmin as trying to push him away.

Seungmin was talking to their manager while chan was next to him.

Minho was watching seungmin when he noticed Chan's hand placement.

He has seen fan videos of this as well, Chan's hand in between seungmin thighs for a brief sec but stays made it bigger deal with the edits. Minho didn't like it. Minho didn't like Chan's hand placement.

Why it was there to began with.

Jisung passed by minho when he noticed minhos irritated expression but looking at chan.

"Is there something wrong, you look mad" jisung asked minho but minho took a deep breath and said nothing and walked way to go home.

It was 8pm already in the night so the members were all in their room .

Minho decided he wanted to watch some YouTube so he opened the app but saw a recommendation of YouTube short...

"seungjin moments my followers can't stop thinking about"

eye roll and he looked back at the screen and eye rolled again. "What's the big deal anyways they are just close"minho said irritatingly but still clicked it.

One scene partially caught minho attention.

*seungmin wiping hyunjins lips on their date in han river*. The video stopped and minho was staring at the celing.

The guilt was siping into him for rejecting seungmin and now he was in his bed depressed.

"Did his feelings change? He doesn't ask me for help or ask to hang out" minho opened his phone to text seungmin.

2min oneshot- Lee Minho & Kim SeungminWhere stories live. Discover now