Jason's Sister

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Warnings: slight degradation, fingering, hand kink?, Jason

You, Y/n Carver, are the captain of the cheer team at Hawkins High. Your brother, Jason Carver, is the captain of the basketball team. So you two are seemingly perfect. The King of Hawkins High and The Princess. Although you hated how Jason acted, how entitled he was, he was your bother and you were stuck with him. He always was protective over you and treated you like a child, a dumb bimbo child. Even though you were 18 and knew way more that he could even imagine but it was best for him to think you were all innocent, well boy was he wrong!! It all started when the freak, Eddie Munson decided to make a grand speech about forced conformity in the middle of lunch. Standing on the table,

Eddie: or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!!

He yells looking directly at the basketball table. Causing my brother to stand up,

Jason: hey you want some thing freak?

He yells back causing Eddie to make a weird devil face at him with a gremlin noise causing me to let out a small giggle which caught his attention and he gave me a soft smile, I return the smile and turn back to my friends.

Well after a while I became more interested in Eddie and his hellfire club. I had him in some classes so I decide to start there. Something about him was so captivating. The fact that he didn't play by the rules or maybe the fact that my brother hated him, idk. But my new thing was, Edward Munson.

After a couple times of trying to get him to talk to me or even notice me. Like sitting next to him in class, start off slow, then I drop my pencil under his desk on "accident" and ask him if he could get it for me. He would always reply with the same 'sure, no problem' and hand it to me then continue on with whatever he was doing. So then I take a big leap after class my teacher had brought up an assignment that was a partner project. But he would be choosing the partners. I talk to him in private about how I believe it was a great idea to have Eddie as my partner and for him to be assigned with me. That Eddie was a student that didn't care much about school and with my help I could get him more engaged. Mr. Davis was more than willing stating

Mr.Davis: whatever gets him to graduate I can't deal with another year of Eddie Munson!
Y/n: just do me a favor and act like you randomly chose us, he would be more willing that way

I lied straight through my teeth, I just didn't want Eddie to know how desperate I was to get to know him, more like fuck him. Mr. Davis nods and says 'sure thing' . And that was that.

The next day Mr.Davis announces the project and the partners.

Mr.Davis : then I would like for Y/n Carver and..... Eddie Munson

Wow Mr. Davis was really playing the part!! Eddie looks at me and smirks then looks back at his paper which was blank. I was ecstatic not only am I getting what I want, he just smirked at me. I wanted to melt into my seat. After class I stop Eddie in the halls.

Y/n: hey Eddie I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house after school
Eddie: uhh what for?
Y/n: t-the project it's like 30% of our grade? We are partners
Eddie: oh yeah! Well I was thinking you could do the work and I just wait until you're done and sign my name

Eddie Munson// 𝗢𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀!!Where stories live. Discover now